Completely Unexpected.

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The room's dark and the only light present is that of the moon. Tyler, Ella and Connor are all asleep I however can't stop worrying about Colton. He went out for a walk earlier, didn't say much and hasn't been able to look me the eyes the entire day.

"Come with me!" I feel myself being pulled out of the room - a tight grip around my wrist. It must be Colton.

"Where are we going Colt?" I didn't know if I should be afraid or grateful that he's finally talking to me.

"How could you Alea? How could you just do something - something so serious with someone like Tyler ?" His register was dark and angry and even though I couldn't see much I could feel his gaze burning through my skin.

"What are you talking about? Actually Colt who gives you the right to go off at me like this?" I started off softly - my voice was calm but, no matter how much I was worried about him I'm not allowing him to scream at me like this.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, you fucking slept with Tyler ! I know I said I wasn't bothered but I've known you for so long and yes I know Tyler is good for you but I just can't get the image out of my mind - my Alea - with him. I don't know how to deal with it! Alea I don't want to deal with it!" His voice started cracking as he spoke his last sentence.

I stood there, puzzled, shocked, sad, relieved, satisfied. These emotions ran through me, they flushed over my body. I know that Colt cares about me but I didn't know that he'd be so affected by my relationship with Tyler. So I remained standing - in silence - waiting.

"Say something." He came closer to me and grabbed a hold of my hands.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I thought we were okay Colt." Suddenly or perhaps not so suddenly I started crying.

I fell into him with all of me, I actually just wanted to be with Tyler but here I am - outside under the night sky with the soft light of the moon on my skin, crying in the arms of my best friends brother.

This is not how I expected this night to turn out. I realized in this moment that Tyler really is the one for me or at least he is for now.

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