Elevator [40]

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"Hey," As Mitch elbows Kirstie, "Wanna go get Starbucks?" He asked. Kirstie nodded, "Sure."

"Let's go." Mitch stood and picked his wallet up. Kirstie started following Mitch. "Where are you two going?" Jake asked, as he braids up Esther's hair. "Starbucks." Kirstie gulped.

"Oh, then buy me a Peppermint Mocha Frappe." He said. Kirstie grinned, "Your money?"

"I'll pay you later." He flicked his hand and continued braiding Esther's hair. "Fine..." Kirstie sighed. As she exits the hotel room, "Buy two!" Esther yelled.

"Three." -Alex.

"THREE!" Esther yelled again and Kirstie finally shuts the door. Kirstie turned to see Mitch. "Come on." Then Mitch started walking as graceful as he can. Even thought of dancing and singing in the hallway at the same time. Kirstie can't hold but laugh. But she got over.

"Where's Scott?" She asked. Mitch faced Kirstie and started walking backwards. Mitch winced and shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know, probably being Beyonce in the shower?" He answered.

Kirstie chuckled, "The secret life of Scott Hoying." She muttered.

Mitch chuckled with her. "Remember the time Scott has an obvious crush on Nathalie when we were in Arlington?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "Well, he broke free and started to serenade her right in front of her father." she said, "And the time when you have an obvious crush with Samantha." She began annew discussion.

"Oh, please." Mitch shook his head, "I only like her because she said she likes me too." He shrugged his shoulders.

Both of them arrived the elevator and Mitch pressed Ground Level.

"...and when I had an obvious crush with you..." Mitch spoke, Kirstie looked to him and watched him smile. "I still can't believe we're done." Kirstie whispered.

"Who says we were?"

Mitch took Kirstie hand and surprising had his lips brush against hers. All Kirstie did was wrap her arms around his neck, as he wraps his arms to her waist.

"I'm sorry I let you go." Mitch breathed.

"I'm sorry for thinking you did." Kirstie breathed after.

Ah, kissing. It always shakes the Mirstie fandom. ❤️
Sorry for not updating yesterday! I always forget I have these such drafts 🙈

Anyways. Hope you like it. :3 Even though it's extremely weird.

Oh, and guess what! I think I am going to make a PTX Christmas story. :)

BYE, GUYS! Have a great day!

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