Chapter 3

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(This whole chapter has been edited (excluding the authors note) by Rylee20.

Hello amazing people whom i adore~ XD

my fan list has literally doubled since i started this story, and im ridiculously happy about that! thank you all very much for reading and commenting, and voting, and fanning! XD that was alot of ands.

anyways, im gonna try and have all my chapters ATLEAST two pages long if not more.

which is alot for me haha. if you read my other story "Saving Seelie" you probably noticed the chapter were really short.

oh and you have probably noticed i rarely capatilize anything. x_x haha i type really fast so its just a hassle. :P sorry if it bugs any of you! ^-^"

anyways, please continute reading and enjoying my story!






The next two days, which were Saturday and Sunday, flew by to my dismay.

I think karma was still out to get me for treating my mom like crap. I did not want to start school today.

I had spent the last two days finishing unpacking my room.

My room was a pretty good size. I had my full size bed, a midnight blue and black comforter on it. the room was painted a dark blue and my posters which were scattered all over my room. Painting the walls with my favorite bands, movies, and animes.

I had three huge bookshelves filled to the brim with books, I needed to get a new one soon.

I also had a small wooden and metal desk holding my Toshiba laptop and a few more books.

I had just sat up in bed because my alarm clock had been singing its taunting tune to wake me up.

It is now in pieces across my room on the floor. 

I groaned and stould up and blindly felt my way to the bathroom.

Thank god no one was in there because I really wasnt in the mood to wait.

I stripped off all my clothes and went to get into the shower but ended up stubbing my toe on the corner of the damn toilet.

How I managed that I dont know.

I said a string of colorful words that would make my ancestors blush while holding my toe.

When the pain eased off, I carefully maneuvered myself into the shower and washed myself and did what was needed. 

I carefully got out of the shower and wrapped a big fluffy towel around myself and made my way to my room.

"EW WHAT THE HELL KAI! I DONT WANNA SEE MY SISTER LIKE....LIKE..." he gestured to my toweled body "LIKE...THAT!!!"

I slowly looked up at him through sleepy eyes, and glared at him.

"Im just in a towel not naked you fricken asshole! So shut up and go away its too early for me to be dealing with someone as ugly as you" I said.

He was still making a disgusted face as I walked past him and into my room, and slammed the door behind me.

Ugh, he was such an idiot. I thought to myself as I made my way to my dresser and got a change of clothes.

I got dressed and did my makeup, and put shoes on and grabbed my back pack and headed down the stares.

I got to the very last step and walked off, breathing a sigh of relief that  hadn't toppled down them for once.

Only to have my brother and his fat self, run smack into me while yelling up the stairs, obviously not paying attention, "KAI GET YOUR FATASS DOWN HERE OR YOU GONN------" and he got cut off because he had ran full force into me sending me sprawling on the floor.

"Oh your already down here, lets go."  he said not even acknolwedging that he had just sent me flying face first into the ground.

"Luke......." I said in a really sweet voice picking myself off the carpet, and slowly walking behind my stupid brother.

"Yes, kai?" he said and turned around to face me with a smirk on his face.

Wrong move.

My fist came in contact with his nose.

"OW DAMNIT KAI! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" he said with tears coming from his eyes due to being hit in the nose, he was holding his nose with both of his hands so he kinda sounded like Kermit the frog.

I just stared at him like he was the most stupid person in the world.

"You just fricken sent me flying across the room face first into the carpet.  Also you have been talking like you are in front of a fricken crowd since I woke up." I said wiping the invisible dirt off of my hands. "To be honest, you completely deserved that." I said and walked past him into the kitchen.

After I ate breakfast luke drove me to school, and wouldn't shut up about me punching him until I had literally almost threw myself out of the car in shear annoyance as we got to the school.

When I walked into the building I noticed that everyone had stopped what they were doing to stare at me. 

 I looked at them in confusion.

"What? do I have something on my face, or are yall just fricken stupid?" I said sarcastically, walking down the hall and walking past a bunch of stuck up girls giving me the death glare.

I ran into something hard, rubbing my nose from the impact I looked up, only to groan in disgust when I noticed who I had ran into.

"I told you you didn't know who you were messing with." he said with an evil smirk.

"Oh, no? I'm sure I did. Your the self centered egotistical gigantic ass wipe I ran into at the store. I'm pretty sure I know who I kneed in the little bit of man hood he actually had." I said smirking at him just as big.

His smirk fell and turned into a scowl as he walked passed me.

I put my stuff in my locker, and turned around to make my way to class only to be shoved into my locker, hard. 

I turned around rage fueling my blood.

Only to see the bitchy looking girl with the black eye from yesterday, and a group of barbie like clones.

Oh goody, I had messed with the queens man so this should be good.

I saw the jackass about 10 yards behind her with a seriously pissed off expression while he was staring at the queen bee.

He must have sent her over here.

If he thinks shes enough to scare me, he has another thing coming.


so i was gonna have Ashor just be a complete dick and be laughing behind the queen girl after she pushed kai into the locker, but then i realised that wouldnt work for the rest of my story lol. so i had to change it.

do you think Kai took his look the wrong way? yes, no, maybe? :D

opinions are greatly appreciated.

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