Chapter 21

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This whole chapter has been edited (excluding the authors note) by Rylee20.

Hey everyone,

i wrote this chapter in a hurry so if its crap, im really sorry. im super tired and havent been to bed yet. its 9:14am. haha.

oh insomnia, how i loathe thee.

i hope you all like this chapter. im not really fond of it much.

please tell me what yall think!







Ashor and I were currently in Ashor's car driving to my mom and Luke's house to tell them the news.

We were both scared shitless to say the least. Mom hates the idea of teen prengancy. She is especially going to hate it cause I'm her daughter.

Even though I've graduated and out on my own, and with my mate. She isn't going to be happy.

She wants me to have a successful life like any mother would want for their daughter. And I think she is going to think that I'm throwing my future away.

That and she is going to blame Ashor.

I have a feeling this isn't going to be a fun talk with her.

Ashor looked even more nervous than me.

He was currently gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were turning white and he was sweating.

I think he was trying not to let me see how nervous he was because he was babbling away about how happy he was and how much he loved me and all that mumbo jumbo.

But he couldn't fool me. I knew what he was doing.

I didn't blame him.

My mom is one intimidating woman.

We turned down the street that lead to my mom's house and Ashor stopped talking. We both did.

We were both trying to figure out how we were going to tell her and Luke that I was having a baby, that she was going to be a Grandma and Luke was going to be an uncle.

I think that Luke is going to be excited.

He would love to have a little kid to play with.

He loves kids. So does my Mom. But I know she won't be happy about me getting pregnant so young.

I wanted her to know, I want the baby to have a Grandma that will love it and care for it. So I had to tell her now.

We pulled into the drive way and just sat there for a minute.

Ashor looked over to me and I looked at him in the eyes, we could both see each other's anxiety.

Even though I act all bad ass and stuff, I'm still scared of my mother.

We got out the car and Ashor came around and held my hand as we walked up to the door.

I knocked on the door, even though I knew that would irk my mother. She didn't understand why I knocked, it was my home too she said.

She answered the door and looked at us.

"Why did you not just come in?" she scowled but it was quickly replaced with a smile and she came foward and gave me a huge hug.

I love my mom.

"Come in come in." She ushered us into the house and into the living room.

Ashor and I took a seat on the couch both still pretty nervous.

My mom could obviously tell, she was now looking at us kind of suspiciously.

"What are you two doing here?" she said smiling.

"Um..." I started nervously trailing off looking at my Mom then at Ashor and then at the floor.

"What is it? Just spit it out....are you alright?! Your not sick are you? ASHOR YOU BETTER BE TAKING CAR OF MY BABY!" she said worridly quickly turning accusing eyes on Ashor.

Oh boy. She's going to kill Ashor.

"Mom...I'm pregnant." I said in a rush.

She didn't say anything because I didn't give her the chance to.

"Mom we didn't plan it. It just happened. Please don't be mad. The baby will love you. And luke. We can all be happy. It won't ruin my life. And I'm not throwing my future awa----" I breathed in because I had said all of that in one breath.

"What do you mean ruin your life?! A baby wont ruin your life!" she growled at my accusation.

"Wha----I didn't mea---"

"I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMA!?" she yelled excitedly.

This was not what Ashor nor I was expecting we just sat there open mouthed as she danced around the room saying how she was going to be the best grandma ever and spoil the baby rotten.

I was really happy about how she handled the news.

She ushered us out of the house ordering me to lie down and not do anything that would hurt the baby. 

I agreed and me and Ashor got into the car and started driving home.

We both looked at eachother and busted out laughing.

"That was definatley not what I was expecting." We both said at the same time causing us to crack up even more.

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