Chapter 15

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This whole chapter has been edited (excluding the authors note) by Rylee20.

Hello everyone, im sorry in advance this chapter is going to be really short.

i didnt have much time to write it.

theres alot going on at my house right now, and i just didnt have much time. so i did my best on what little time i had to write.

yall are probably gonna kill me :| but i promise everything will work out in the next few chapters or so.

oh, and all of my chapters will be edited by the amazing Rylee20 :)

i put this one up before she edited cause shes working on the earlier chapters now and is almost completely caught up :D

well anyways even though this is short i really hope yall like it and wont kill me for the ending....






When we got Ashor back to his house, the pack doctor was ready and waiting.

They immediatley rushed him into an empty room and didn't let anyone else in other than the doctor.

A bunch of people, probably the whole pack, was all crammed into the small room outside of the one Ashor was in.

I was freaking out. I was even crying. My mom was holding me and telling me everything was going to be fine. 

I didn't know why I was acting like this. I was terrible to him. 

I denied us even being mates.

Which had to be hell for him.

Because I feel like I'm in hell right now.

I'm feeling everything he is feeling or has felt.

I feel the pain he is going through right now, on a lesser level of course. But it's still terrible.

I feel the way he loves me, how much it hurt him when I treated him like complete shit.

I feel terrible for treating him like I have been.

If he makes it through this, I silently prayed to myself, I will treat him better. I won't completely change my ways, but I will tell him how much I love him. that I can promise.

Sitting in this chair I felt useless, the Doctor was in the other room working on him, trying to save him and all I could do was sit here. Doing nothing. I felt so helpless.

This is so hard. I need to DO something. 

I got up, much to my mothers protest and walked outside and towards the woods, I didn't go far, I just went a of couple yards in to a giant tree with an amazing limb that I could sit on. It's like it was made for sitting and relaxing.

I climbed up to the limb and just sat there. I ended up dozing off. 

I dreamt of Ashor. Of his laugh, his smile, his general badass appearance and his soft interior, why hadn't I noticed before how much I cared for him.

All of this could have been avoided. Well, all of the me being mean to him things. 

I guess I kind of knew. But I just didn't want myself to get hurt again.

I know my wolf knew. She had been trying to tell me this whole time and I was just being so stupid and kept avoiding it.

I was awoken by someone calling my name but I couldn't quite make out who it was. 

I opened my eyes and looked down to see my Mom staring up at me with a worried expression on her face.

"What's up?" I said in a sleepy voice. For a second I had forgotten about Ashor.

"You need to come back to the house, the Doctor wants to speak with everyone..."she said trailing off.

"Is everything okay?" I said my voice growing paniced.

"I don't know he won't say anything until you are there. Now get down and come on. I'm sure his parents are worried sick." she said to me.

I jumped down and me and her walked back to the house.

We walked back to the room everyone was waiting in and the Doctor saw me and mom and gave me a sypathetic look.

I didn't like that. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like the news...

"Good. Kai. Your back, now I can talk with everyone" the Doctor said.

Everyone sat at attention, I knew everyone was really worried. I mean come on of course they would be their alpha is hurt.

I felt like I was going to die when he said the next 7 words.

"I'm sorry, Ashor is in a coma."

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