Chapter 18

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(This whole chapter has been edited (excluding the authors note) by Rylee20.

Hey everyone,

this chapter is in Ashor's POV since he has been out of it for the past couple chapters.

and its probably a bit shorter than usual. but i like it.

i hope you do too.

if anyone wants to make a banner/picture for this story write me on my message board or in a private message and i will send you the email you can send it too.

thank you all for your kind feedback and all the love for my story and characters.






Ashor's pov:
Apparently I have been in a coma for a few months. And if things were 
like anything like how Eddie was treating Kai when I woke up and he 
didn't know it. I was not happy.
Scratch that. I'm fucking livid.
No one. I mean NO. ONE. Has the right to treat my mate like that.
I'm the fucking alpha for crying out loud.
Do they have no fucking respect?!
They will when I get done with them. That's for damn sure.
It's been about a week since I woke up. I've got a sort of grip on 
what has been going on and what happened from my mom.
Apparently my Kai...she didn't talk...barely moved or ate unless she 
had to. She was almost in a catatonic state of mind.
Just imagining it tears my heart to pieces.
She shouldn't have had to go through something like that. Especially 
since right when it happened she realized I really was her mate and 
accepted that she was in love with me.
It had to be hell for her, these past few months.
Mom said they were starting to get really worried to the point they 
were gonna have the pack doctor hospitalize her so they would be sure 
that she ate and slept like she was supposed to.
But one day Kayla came and pissed her off so bad, I guess she had said 
some bad stuff about me, and Kai had punched her in the face.
That's when everything went downhill apparently.
What matters, is I'm awake now, and Kai is okay.
I have to say, having her actually show some affection instead of 
blatantly hating me is definitely a welcome change.
Kai was currently out with my mother shopping.
I had business I needed to take care of.
I was currently walking to Eddie and kaylas room, apparently they are 
mates, go figure the two biggest whores in the pack end up being 
mates. I'm surprised they never met before. I guess they had just 
missed each other anytime the other was around.
The thought of those two made my stomach churn with pure anger.
I stormed up the stairs and walked down the huge hallway and banged on 
their door.
I didn't have the patience to gently knock like I should have. They 
didn't deserve my respect anyways.
I heard Kayla squeal from inside the room and heard Eddie curse, they 
both knew it was me. And knew what I was there for. And neither of 
them were looking forward to what I was going to say/do.
I really didn't care.
I kicked their door in only to be greeted by kaylas exaggerated scream 
and Eddie grabbing me by the collar of my shirt.
"What the fuck man!?" he yelled in my face.
This was not doing anything good for my temper at the moment.
I took a deep breath. "Eddie. Get your filthy hands off of me. Or I 
swear to everything you hold dear, you will regret it."

Eddies grip immediately loosened and he backed away quickly with a terrified look on his face like he couldn't believe what he had just done.


"Now. You are going to explain to me, why the hell you thought you had the right to treat the alphas mate like shit." I said growling with irritation.

I saw eddies eyes widen slightly and him gulp and he looked like he was begining to sweat.

He knew there wasn't going to be any good answer that came from his mouth.

Especially since I caught him treating Kai terribly.

He couldn't lie his way out of this one. Not that he could before.

"B-because....Kayla said---"

"Kayla, said what?" I interrupted and looked to kayla who looked like she was about to pass out from fear, or she was going to rip her mates head off for bringing her into this before she had to be.

"She....she said that Kai hit her....and that Kai has been doing mean things to her even more than before you were in the coma. So...." he trailed off realizing what he was saying just sounded really stupid and petty coming from his mouth.

"So you decided to treat her like shit because your mate told you that she was bullying her? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you even ask kai her side of the story?" No response. "I thought so. Yeah your little...." I looked at kayla. "Bitch" I spat. "Has been treating KAI like shit since she moved here. And how I gather things she has been being worse to her since I was put in a coma, because she didn't think there would be repercussions." I glared at them both.

"Your only taking Kai's side because she's your mate...." he said sounding angry.

"Oh really? Are you calling my mother a liar too?" I said slowly threateningly. "Cause if you are I can bring her in here and you can tell her that to her face." I said. "IN FACT. I think I will let her handle your punishments." I said with a wicked grin on my face as I saw the horror in both of their faces. They new my mothers punishments would be 100 times worse than mine.

I started walking out of the room, and I stopped. "Oh, and ever so much as say one word out of the way to Kai again." I said with a sickly sweet smile on my face. "I will rip your throats out, personally and then feed them to the cats." I said my last words dripping with venom.

As I walked out my mom gave me a sadistic smile, and I shuddered, that woman was the sweetest lady ever, unless you crossed her.

And Eddie and Kayla did just that.

Their so screwed, I thought gleefully, as I went in search of Kai.

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