03. Chocolate

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Hi! Okay so I have nothing better to do right now so I'm updating again tonight. I hope you like this! Please let me know what you think in the comments.

"Give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt"

Faye had been staying for a week with her brother and the rest of the Avengers at the building with a big 'A' on it that stood for Avengers. She was currently sat crisscross in the middle of the floor in her bedroom as she tried concentrating on the subject in front of her. It was a basket full of sweets and a small pink teddy bear inside but there was a note on it that said 'Do not open till I get home -Tony'. She was confused on why she had too wait on Tony but she was mostly confused on why the heck Tony that he could trust her not to open it.

Faye laughed silently to herself, knowing she wasn't going to just sit and stare at the sweets but eat them. Honestly, Tony was so stupid sometimes. Faye crawled over to the sweets and grabbed the chocolate bar. Right before Faye could even open it up, her door was thrown open, showing an annoyed Tony.

"Seriously Faye? You failed within the first 20 seconds" Tony exclaimed which confused Faye. He was just testing her and Faye seemed to have failed. As punishment, Tony took the basket of sweets from her and walked out the door. Faye smirked, looking at the chocolate bar in her hand that Tony had left behind. Right as she went to open it, Tony came in and took it from her then left again.

Faye whined like a little five year old before speed walking out the door towards Tony. She figured where ever he was, the chocolate was. If there was one thing Tony knew about his sister is that you don't take sweets from her without getting attack by her.

"Get back her, bastard" Faye took off after Tony, in the direction that she had saw him heading in. Faye didn't even noticed Steve.

"Language" Steve warned but Faye ignored him and turned another corner that she figured Tony had went, seeing as there was no other way.

"Give me the chocolate and nobody has to get hurt" Faye looked from side to side only to be grabbed from behind and pulled into a different room. Instantly, she turned around with her fist in the air, ready to hit whoever it was. Her fist was grabbed by the one and only, Tony Stark.

"You'll get it once you finish training with cap" As if it was planned, Steve walked in, wearing a plain white T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Faye groaned and glared at Tony for using her weakness against her. Tony just smirks and walks out the door along with the chocolate.

Faye turned to Steve with both her hands on her hips and her eyebrows raised at his confused face. Faye rolled her eyes and went to the changing room so she could change into a working out outfit. She walked out of the changing room, now wearing a black tank top and a grey pair of sweatpants. Faye made her way towards Steve, who was repeatedly punching a punching bag, not even noticing Faye. Faye couldn't help but notice how big and nice his arms were. He must have worked out a lot.

"Are you going to punch that all day or are you going to help me?" Faye rose her eyebrow at Steve when he turned to look at her and he stopped punching the bag. Steve nodded and then walked closer to Faye, grabbing her hands. It wasn't like those cheesy stories where when he touched my hand, it felt like electricity. When he held my hands, it felt right, like her hands belong in his. It felt like they were made just for her and her only.

"Okay, begin with the knees slightly bent, feet staggered, chin down, and hands raised by the sides of your face. Push off your back foot and snap the jab out quickly. The lead foot will slide forward slightly before impact. Now try punching me, I'll go easy on you." Steve backed up away from Faye, ready for her punch him. Steve knew it wouldn't hurt him, he was Captain America after all.

"I'm not going to punch you, Rogers" Faye rolled her eyes, putting her fist down and going back into her regular standing position. Steve sighed, looking at the ground and back up at Faye.

"Faye, your going to punch me or no chocolate" Steve warned, not liking the look she held across her face when he said that. Her eyes were wide in shock but soon turned into a glare. Steve walked over to a bag sitting on bench and pulled out a chocolate bar, holding it up to Faye, who gasped in shock.

"You wouldn't dare" She whispered, darkly and Steve smirked, slightly.

"Just hit me, Faye" He told her as she got back into position that Steve had taught her to do. Faye growled under her breath as Steve got close enough for her to hit him. Gathering up some strength, Faye swung her arm in the direction of Steve's chest, hitting him with a pretty strong hit. She kicked his chest and slammed him to the ground with a smirk. Steve looked up at Faye, who held her foot on his chest. She leaned down and took the chocolate bar from him.

"Thanks, cap" Faye smiled, sarcastically at Steve, taking her foot of his chest. Steve sighed, throwing his head back against the mat that he, luckily, had laid across the floor. Faye strutted out of the gym, smirking at Tony, who was shocked at his younger sister when she waved the chocolate bar in his face.

"I thought you leanrsd your lesson last time you took my chocolate, brother" Faye's smirk grew and she strutted off into her room.

Here's another chapter! I hope you enjoyed as much as I liked writing it. I was really craving chocolate and I don't have any and I can't get some because its 2am so I just wrote this. I'll update soon! Please comment and tell me what you think and don't forget to vote, it means a lot to me.

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