10. Sibling Love

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Hi! Here's another update, I hope you like it! Do you guys ship Staye? Let me know in the comments, I love you guys

"I want my best friend back"
"Your best friend is gone"

Steve's hand tightened around Faye's wrist as Allison walked closer towards him and Faye. He wasn't risking any chances of her getting hurt even if this was the old friend Faye had told him about. Wanda stared at the dark haired girl, the girl who was suppose to be dead. When someone dies, they die, they're gone forever and there is no bringing them back so how the hell was she here? Faye and Wanda were both confused and scared. Confused on how she was here and scared of what she might do.

"Tell me where he is, Faye and nobody gets hurt" Allison's eyes trailed to Steve's hand that was attached to Faye's wrist. She smirked, widely.

"I don't know who your talking about, Ali, please, I really don't" Faye pleaded with tears staining her cheeks. All Steve wanted to do was hold her and tell her she's going to be okay but now was not the time.

"I'm talking about Issac" Allison had a deadly look on her face, Faye looked at her, sadly. She knew he was dead now. Faye was about to respond but a whispering started in her ears. Faye looked upwards at the ceiling.

'There's others' 'She's not alone' The voices whispered and Faye's eyes shot to the other side of the ceiling.

"Guys, she's not alone, there's others" Faye warned just on time. Steve grabbed his shield, Tony ran to get his suit, Natasha and Maria grabbed their guns. Just as they did, people dressed in all black came from any opening in this floor. Whilst the group was fighting Allison's 'bodyguards', Faye stood in across from her 'best friend'.

"What's wrong with you, Ali? This isn't something you would do, I know you" Faye's eyebrows stayed furrowed. She began taking off her heels and throwing them across the room, just in case she needed to fight and she knew she would have to.

"This is the new me" Allison smirked before gripping the knife on her side and lifting it up in a fighting position. Faye didn't have any weapons near her, not that she was very good with them anyways. When Allison ran towards Faye to attached her, Faye's fist flew in the direction of her knife. Only leaving a small cut on Faye's fist, the knife went flying across the room hitting a wall.

"Your not as weak as I remember" Allison smirked "But I'm still stronger."

"I just want my best friend back" Faye groaned in pain when Allison's fist collide with her stomach, sending her falling back onto the floor.

"Your best friends gone" Allison growled, kicking Faye in the stomach and head as she laid helpless on the ground. Faye screamed in angry before pushing herself up off the floor, wiping the blood out of the corner of her mouth. Unconsciously, her eyes glowed a pure white color causing Allison to smirk but within a second her eyes were back to her normal green color. Faye, still in her dress, sent her leg up, kicking Allison in the side harshly. Allison tumbled and almost fell but managed to catch herself half way but Faye took her off guard when she grabbed Allison by the collar and slammed her back into a wall.

"Everyone stop now! Allison pull them off and I'll do whatever you want" The Avengers stopped at Faye's order, surprising, and Allison sent a look to her team which seemed to stop them. Faye never let go of Allison, instead clenched her collar tighter.

"You want Issac, I get it but he's dead and there's nothing, nothing, you and your stupid let team can do to bring him back" Faye spat out, angrily. She wanted all of this to stop so she could just go to sleep and never wake up. Allison's face, that was normally in a smirk, fell into an angry frown. She stared into Faye's eyes for a long time and Faye never flinched back, only glared. Faye was shocked and took back when Allison started to smirk again.

"You can hurt me, kill me, why don't you, Faye?" Faye continued to stare at her confused.

"Is it because your too weak, too useless to do anything or is it because your scared?" Allison continued to taunt Faye, who tightened her grip and pushed further onto Allison. Fayes expression darkened as she glared up at Allison.

"You can kill me too but you won't, you can't because you need me, Ali, just admit it and I'm not as weak as you think" Faye paused, loosening her grip so Allison would think she was going to let her go. Faye wasn't going to let go that easy.

"I'm a Stark, remember that, Allison because next time I see you, I'll make sure your dead for sure, now gather up your team and get the hell out of here because you leave no choice but to kick your ass" Faye threatened with a dark look across her what use to be innocent face. Faye let go of Allison, slowly, who had her eyes as wide as a doe caught in head lights. Allison's smirked again, calling her team and finally left.

Once Allison had left, Faye fell to the floor, the feeling of dizziness hitting her like a brick. She had been hit too many time in the stomach and head by Allison. She was began to loose her consciousness but held it back before the darkness could take over. Tony told the team to leave and go to their rooms, Steve was hesitant but when Tony gave him a look, Steve knew the two Starks needed time together. Tony, who had already taken his suit off, walked over to his sister and sat with her, his back against the wall like her.

"Faye.." Tony whispered, waiting for his sister to look over at him but there was nothing just heavily breathing from her.

"Faye, I'm sorry, for everything, I was never there for you when you needed me and I left you, your my sister and I shouldn't have done that and because of me, this happened" Tony apologized, taking Faye by surprise because she looked up at Tony finally with saddening eyes. She's never heard her brother apologize before and it was serious if he does.

"Its not your fault, Tony, it's mine, I'll killed her and I killed Issac..." Tony sighed at his sister and pulled her into a tight hug. Her small arms wrapped around his torso and his around her, his chin resting on her head and her head laying against his chest. Tears slowly slipped down Faye's cheek and onto her brothers shirt.

"I missed you, Tony" Faye said, her voice cracking.

"I missed you too, Faye"

And there's the update! I hope you liked it, I feel like you guys don't like this story anymore because you haven't been commenting or voting as much. I would love it a lot if you guys would comment your opinions on this story even if its bad, it doesn't matter to me. I feel like I might be rushing this story maybe, I don't know. Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong. Don't forget to comment and vote. I love you guys! Goodbye!

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