07. Death

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Hi again! Whats up my people? Okay that was lame, don't judge me I've had a long day. This chapter is probably going to be sad and depressing because my chapters usually are based off my moods which is why this is sad because I'm sad. Anyways, enjoy.

"Just hold me, please?"

The avengers including Faye were out trying to get all the people out of the city while her brother distracted Ultron. A strange feeling came over Faye, it was a bad feeling, something bad was going to happen she just couldnt hear what the voices were saying. The feeling didn't go away even after half the city started moving upwards. Faye was standing in the middle of the two sides and when it started moving, her eyes widen, ready to fall. Faes clenched her eyes shut but was met with her head hitting against a warm and hard chest., she slowly opened her her eyes and looked up to see Steve.

"Your okay, I've got you" Steve looked straight into her eyes as he breathed heavily from having to run to help her. Faye stared up at him in shock but she smiled softly at him despite the bad feeling she felt.

"Thank you" She whispers and the two just stared at each other until they were brought back to reality by Tony's voice in their ear piece. Faye rolled her eyes and nodded her head at Steve before running off to fight of Ultrons bots. The group gathered up in a building after they had defeated most the bots.

"Is that the best you got?" Thor yelled at Ultron, throwing his arms out dramatically which annoyed Faye. She glared at the blond as more of his bots came their way.

"You really had to ask?" Faye threw her arms out, preparing for the attacks.

"How are we suppose to win this?" Faye asked her brother, now a bit scared seeing as she was the only useless one here. Her brother looked down at her a smiled but of course she couldn't see through he's iron suit but she could feel him smiling.

"Just like the old man said" Tony announced to the other Avengers "Together". The bots headed towards them and Faye started kicking them and punching them. Luckily, she had gloves and combat boots on so she was protected.

The group had ended up spilling up, Faye now on her own hiding out in a tight, small alley way with a dead body laying in front of her. The dead boy was a boy with curly dirty blond hair and his blood was covering his body. Faye stared at his body, a single tear falling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save you, Issac, just like I couldn't save Allison" She whispered to herself as she pushed the eye lids of the boys blue eyes downward. A sudden sadness and fear hit the girl within seconds. Pietro. She could hear the voices loud and clear now and what they were saying. Her best friend was going to die.

"Pietro!!!" The girl held onto the walls of each alley way, screaming with all the might she had in her lungs, the Avengers could hear Faye scream his name and in a matter of seconds Pietro stood with several bullet holes in his body. Faye's head fell down onto Issac's dead body, in tears.

Once the bullets stopped, Faye took off running in the direction she knew he was in, the scene in front of her caused tears to stain her cheeks.

"You didn't see that coming" The speedster smirked, Faye's best friend fell to the ground, his body still, cold and now dead. Faye let out a shriek and seconds later you could hear Wanda screaming in the distance.

Faye ran towards Pietro's body and kneeled down next to it, now full on sobbing at the sight. She blamed herself for this. She kept pushing back the bad feeling and she knew someone would die again but she kept pushing it back and now he was dead along with Issac.

"Why can't I save anyone? If I have this power, I should be able to help people but they all end up dead, Allison, Issac and Pietro..." Faye said to herself, trailing off but Clint, who stood above her, had heard the girl talking and gave her a sympathetic look. Clint place his arm on the girls shoulder, rubbing it to try and calm the sobbing girl down.She wanted her friends back, all the bots were destroyed and Wanda had killed Ultron. Faye sat next to Steve on the ship of S.H.I.E.L.D, with her arms wrapped around his torso and her head buried in his chest, his arms were wrapped around her shoulders to hold her close to him.

"Faye, are you okay?" Steve asked the small, thin girl in his arms.

"Do you want the truth?" She glanced up at him through her lashes with a saddening look that she seemed to wear too much. Steve nodded his head in conformation and Faye looked down.

"The truth is I'm scared, Steve, I'm scared to even be near anybody, everyone around me seems to just die like Allison, Issac, Pietro, I could have stopped it, I knew it was going to happen but I did nothing because I can't do anything, I don't want to be useless and I don't want to be alone anymore, Steve" A few tears fell down from her cheek, straining them with their wetness.

"You have me and I'm not going anywhere soon, Faye, and your not useless, it wasn't your fault, I promise you, their deaths weren't your fault" Steve spoke in a whisper, his chest vibrating against Faye's ears as he spoke. Faye buried her face deeper into his chest, not wanting him to see her cry.

"What do you want me to do to help you?" Steve whispered, softly, his hot breath hitting against Faye's neck each time he spoke.

"Just hold me, please?" She asked against his chest and that was what Steve did. He wrapped his arm tighter around Faye and pulled her closer to him.

And there's a sad chapter, sort of, I had too add some kind of happy/cute moment in there. Staye is so cute though. Okay so I'm just going to listen to sad music and cry because I've had such a bad day and I'm loosing everything happy in my life. I'll update soon. Don't forget to comment what you think and vote, it means a lot to me.

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