06. Allison

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Hi! So here's another update. I hope you like this chapter as much as you guys seem to like the other chapters. Thank you so much for reading this story, voting and commenting, it means a lot to me.

"Your not useless"

Faye sat inside the plane with Bruce, Steve, Clint, and Natasha, only they were actually able to go out and fight whilst Faye was forced to stay inside. She didnt like not being able to help, she hated it and wanted to do something. Stee had taught her how to fight and she already had some skills in fighting. Steve had left already to distract Ultron while Natasha was getting on her motorcycle to go and help. Of course, Faye was stuck with Bruce,,yet again but at least Clint was here this time so he doesn't turn green. (I can't actually remember if Bruce was there or not, I don't think he was though, I think he was still the Hulk and with Tony but I can't remember so go with it)

Faye stood from her seat and took a closer one to Clint, who glanced back at her, weirdly. Faye smiled at him and her eyes fell on the bar of cookie dough and he smile brightened instantly. She wiggled her arm towards it only for it to be smack away by Clint.

"Tony said its for when your good which is why your not getting any" Faye pouted but Clint stayed emotionless so she glared at him.

"Fine and to think I was going to be your friend" Faye stood up and walked back to her seat and Clint rolled his eyes at the strawberry blond. Natasha had gotten captured and we now had what we need, Steve just needed to stop the train. Clint had turned the plane to take it back to Tony but had to make a pit stop, which was jumping Faye off where Steve and the twins were.

"You and Steve have been getting pretty close, ya know?" Clint glanced at Faye with an eyebrow rose.

"Sort of" Faye furrowed her eyebrows together, she didn't know much about Steve and yet they had been hanging out quiet a lot lately.

"Is he like your prince and your his princess?" Clint smirked.

"Sweetheart, I'm no princess" Faye jumped out the plane to be with Steve and the twins for payback. Faye walked towards the three just in time to hear Wanda talking.

"Tony will do anything to make things right" She heard Wanda said and then they all finally noticed her.

"Faye.." Wanda and Pietro trailed off, looking at her in a little of shock because of the look on Faye's face. Steve, who hadn't noticed her, turned and looked her with a small glare that soon disappeared. Faye glared at Wanda and within seconds Faye had Wanda pushed up against the wall, her arm against her throat. Pietro glared at Faye but didn't step in and Steve put a hand on Faye's shoulder.

"If you even dare try and use Allison against me again, I swear, Maximoff, I'll rip your tounge out and force it down your throat got it?" Faye growled and rose her eyebrow at Wanda. Faye's darkening voice shocked both Steve and Pietro, who have never seen this side of her. Glaring at Faye, Wanda nodded her head. Faye took her arm off Wanda and looked over to Steve.

Steve put his arm on her back to pull her away, scared of what she may be capable of. The twins followed behind the dou.


Steve, Faye, and the Maximoff twins walked through the door, yelling for her brother to stop. The group argued back and forth but Faye wasn't listening, she noticed Clint under the floor below them. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. It wasn't until Pietro pulled a bunch of cords out, using his super speed, that Faye knew what Clint was doing. A small smirk made its way to her face but she wiped it away, quickly when Steve glanced at her, confused.

"Ba boom" Faye mocked just as Clint shot a built through the roof of the glass part under where Pietro was standing. Pietro watched slowly with the rest of us as the built went into the air and Pietro fell down to the floor with Clint's foot on his chest with a smirk across his face.

"You didn't see that coming?" Clint smirked, taking his foot off Pietro and walking put of the room. Faye let out a little gasp, stepping back a bit only to fall into Steve's chest, who held her protectively. Thor had come through the roof and slammed his hammer on what appeared to be a robotic thing in a case.

A red figured jumped out of the case and flew up near the windows, looking out at the city. In seconds, the figure flew back down to stand with the group, he didn't look dangerous but Steve wasn't taking any chances so he pulled Faye closer to him. Tony, noticing this small interaction, mentally shot lasers at Steve.

"I'm sorry, that was unlike me to do" The figure, who Faye assumed was a man, spoke. The group started arguing again or if the man was bad or not and if he was Ultron's.

"I'm neither bad or good and I'm not Ultrons, I'm here to help stop him but not kill him" He explained and Steve loosened his grip on Faye but still didn't let go, which was something Faye kind of didn't want him to do. Everyone went off into separate ways to get dressed. Faye had finished getting dressed and so did Steve, so they waited in the main room.

"Can I ask you something, Faye?" Steve asked breaking the silence that had once filled the room. Faye nodded her head and smiled, softly at him.

"Who's Allison?" Faye's smile instantly dropped and she looked down at the ground in sadness. The memories of her former best friend filled her mind once again.

"Allison was my best friend, we were as close as sister and it was because of my stupid powers and my uselessness that I couldn't save her" Faye explained as a single tear fell from her eye and she looked up at Steve. He grabbed her cheek and wiped away the tear from her cheek.

"Your not useless"

And there's another chapter! I thought it was quiet adorable writing this and I hope you like it. Does anyone ship Faye and Steve? What could their ship name be? Also what do you guys think Faye's super hero name could be? Don't forget to comment to tell me what you think and vote, it means a lot to me.

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