11. Protect

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Hi guys! Heres another update and im also working on updating the first chapter to my other story 'Bad Blood' so get ready for that too.  Credit to Teen Wolf for the french quote. Anyways, enjoy this chapter. 

"Nous protegeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se proteger eux-memes."

"We protect those who cannot protect themselves"

Faye had sat up for the past 5 days on the computer, only getting up for showers and food, the necessary things in life.  Sh needed to figure out where Allison was hiding and what she has been doing. The others told her someone else could handle this for them but Faye insisted that she was the one to do this, she needed to do this, not just for the rest of the world but for herself. Allison was her best friend and she knew her better then anyone else here. The door swung open, slowly and closed behind the person who had came in, Faye didn't bother looking up but she knew it Steve just  by the look she felt him giving her. 

"Go away, Rogers, just like I told my brother, I need to do this" Faye responded, not bothering to look up at him. Steve sighed and sat the cup of hot chocolate on her desk and she finally looked up at him with a somewhat glint of happiness flashing in her green eyes.

"Does it have marshmallows in it?" Faye rose her eyebrow in hope and looked over the computer to see if there were marshmallows. There were in fact marshmallows inside the cup.

"Just as you like it" Steve smiled when he saw a warm smile spread across Faye's lips as she wrapped her small hands around he cup, the heat of the cup flowing into her hands. Faye took in the sweet scent before pressing her lips to the cup and taking a sip. The sweet taste of the hot chocolate hitting her tongue immediately.  The steam blowing up against her face but quickly disappeared when she sat the cup down. 

"Thank you, Steve" Faye whispered, softly looking up into his blue eyes that she seemed to fall in love with over this short time shes known him. She could stare at him all day and just fall in love all over again. She loved the way he looked when he was confused or happy, it was so cute and she loved it. She loved his personality, how strong he was but emotionally and physically, how he would do anything to protect his friends, and how much of a gentleman he was. She loved everything about him. She could finally admit it to herself, Faye Stark was in love with Steve Rogers.

"Faye, are you okay? Is something bad going to happen?" Steve had stepped closer to Faye with concern and worry filling his eyes. Faye seemed to snap out of her small trance and looked over at Steve. 

"I'm fine, I just got distracted" She smiled softly at him and his tense shoulders were no longer and he was calm. 

"I think its time for a break, how about we go get something to eat?" Steve rose his eyebrow, hoping Faye would take up his offer. Faye glanced at the computer screen, nothing new, then back up at Steve who was smiling. A warm smile spread across her face yet again. 

"Let me get dressed" 


Faye stood in front of the full body mirror in her room as she stared at her outfit and hair to make sure it all looked okay. She was wearing a dark blue shirt that was laced on the shoulders with blue jeans and black combat boots that she held knifes in just in case they ran into trouble She had her hair put into a milkmaid braid which she was quiet satisfied with. When she knew she looked okay she went outside where Steve said he would wait. Just as he had said, Steve stood there, waiting for her. 

"Hey, Cap" Faye said from the spot she stood at from behind him. He spun around, surprised by the new found voice in the room. He smiled brightly when he saw Faye. His eyes trailed up and down Faye, taking in her look. 

"You look beautiful as you always do" Faye blushed, smiling at her feet. Steve motioned for Faye to come so they could walk their way to where they were going to eat. They walked side by side on the sidewalk, she had no clue where they were going and she didn't even know if Steve knew where they were going. There was a comfortable silence until something came to Faye's mind.

"Nous protegeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se proteger eux-memes." Faye said in French which confused Steve. 

"We protect those who cannot protect themselves" She repeated only in English this time but Steve was still confused on why she was saying this to him. She looked over at him. 

"That was Allison's code, she wanted to protect, not kill" Faye finally said after a few moments of just looking at him. His eyes seemed to send her into a different world. Allison was a protector, Faye knew that but something bad must of happened to make her this way, something really bad. 

"So then why is she doing all this?" Steve's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. 

"That's what I'm trying to figure out..." Faye trailed off, looking down at her feet as she walked. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she continued to try and figure out what could of happened to Allison. She still saw her as her best friend and didn't want anything bad to happen to her. 

 "Hey, its your break, no need to worry or stress out" Faye looked up and smiled at Steve who smiled back brightly and then looked behind Faye, noticing something. 

"There it is" Steve pointed in the direction behind her and she followed his finger in the direction it was pointed at. She giggled when she saw it said 'McDonalds' on the sign, she looked back at Steve still laughing.

"Is there something funny about it? I heard many people go there, I've never been, do you not like it?" His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion yet again and he let his hand fall to his side. Faye giggled yet again at him. 

"No, no, its fine, Steve, its cute" She began walking in the direction of it, seeing as the cars had stopped for them to walk when Steve pressed the button. Steve watched as she walked away and when she looked back at him smiling, he smiled back still standing there.

 "Come on, Rogers, unless you want me eating alone" Steve began rushing across the street to catch up with Faye, smiling. 

Chapter over! I hope you guys liked it, I thought it was really adorable tbh. Comment and let me know what you guys thought and dont forget to vote. I would also like to credit bluejeeps for the amazing cover, thank you so much!! I love it (: 

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