You Can Choose Your Friends....

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The four friends had pulled up outside the town hall and were unloading the boxes from the boot of Lauren and Shaun's car, ready to take them inside.

"Pass me one then." Chas gestured towards one of the boxes.

"No way." Laughed Lauren. "I'm not letting you carry another box. You might break something again!"

"The bowl will be fine." Chas reassured her, earning her a glare to which she rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll just meet you guys inside."

As Chas walked off, Archie turned to Lauren and shot her a question.

"So if Chas isn't taking in any boxes, then who's going to take in the extras?"

His question was quickly answered when Lauren passed him a large stack of cardboard boxes.

"Of course. It's always me." He sighed.

"Oh come on now, don't be like that. You're 'Mr. Muscle'. Remember?" Lauren continued to laugh.

"God, please don't remind me."

"Aww. But it's such a cute nickname." Shaun teased.

"Shut your mouth, 'Aeroplane Man'."

"Hey, you can call me that if you like." Continued Shaun. " know...not in public."


Walking through the double doors and into the town hall, Chas couldn't help but notice how plain everything was. The walls were white, the floor was white, even the roof was white. It reminded her of what (she thought) a mental asylum would look like.

"Looks just as boring as ever I see." Chas said aloud to herself.

"Tell me about it." Came a voice from beside her. Chas turned to her right and came face-to-face with a brown haired, blue-green eyed young girl.

"You know, considering it's been here for what? At least one hundred years. You would have thought that they might spruce up the place a little. Don't you think?" The girl continued.

"You would think that the thought would cross their minds, wouldn't you?" Chas agreed with a warm smile. "Maybe we could add a splash of colour there. A nice table and dining set here..." She added as she pointed around the room. "...maybe a couple of chairs and this place would look half decent."

"Definitely." The girl nodded. "This place certainly needs a woman's touch."

Just as Chas was about to reply, a booming voice from across the room cut her up.


The facial features in the young girls face suddenly dropped as she let out a low sigh.

"Sorry about him." She apologised to Chas, pointing at the young man across from them. "He's a little too big for his boots."

"Don't worry abou-"


Chas couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit frustrated, he'd just cut her up twice. Talk about rude. The young girl noticed Chas's annoyance and turned to the boy and gave him a piece of her mind.


The shouting worked as the young man recoiled due to the loud screech and returned to whatever he was doing before.

"Brothers." The girl sighed again. "Good for nothing but getting you into trouble."

"I wouldn't know." Chas laughed honestly. "Sisters on the other hand...."

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