Its Complicated ( A Student Teacher Love Story)

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"Um Mr. Mathews can I talk to you after class? It's about tonight's homework." I asked him. He looked up and met my eyes realizing it was important.

"Of course Natalie." He said. He cleared his throat , as if he was trying to quiet everyone everyone down, but no one was talking. Instead they were texting after class. I waited until everybody left to tell him. "What's up Nat's?" he asked running his right hand through his messy, but still neat hair

"Well um I can't do this here." I told him "I'll see you at your place after school" I said walking out the door. 

The rest of the school day went by normally after Wess, I mean Mr. Mathews class, which wasEnglish. Then it was lunch, Science, Art and finally Music. Then school was over.

I was getting stuff out of my locker when my best friend Katy walked over "HEY NATY!" she said in her overly cheerful voice 

"Hey, KATY!" I said mocking her 

"Have you told you know who about you know what?"

 "N-no" I stuttered.

"Well, when are you going to?" 

"Tonight alright. I have to go. Can you give me a ride?" 

"To his place?"


"Okay!" I laughed. The ride to his house was really quiet. Katy sent me a good luck smile as i got out of the car. I ran up the stairs and let myself in. I turned on the television, then went to get some chips. I found some Doritos and pored some into a bowl. After about three chips I didn't feel so good. I ran to the bathroom

"Nat?" I heard Wess call. I threw up again. "What's wrong?" He asked walking into the bathroom and holding back my hair. 

"Our baby doesn't like Doritos." I whispered. I wasn't sure if he hear me our not. My voice was a little scratchy from what I had previously been doing in my position above the toilet bowl. But his response told me that he had heard me.

"What" He asked.

"Please, please don't be mad at me Wess. Please" I begged.

"What do you mean Nat?"

"I'm pregnant and it's your baby" My eyes over filled with tears. I didn't know how he was going to react, and that's what made me so worried. 

"I'm so sorry Nat" He finally said. 

"I don't know what to do Wess!" I half screamed and half cried

"Neither do I. How far are you?" 

"Last time I went to the doctor I was a month"

 "How long have you known?"

 "Two weeks"

"AND YOU'RE JUST NOW TELLING ME!?" He yelled. And the fear of being rejected was back.

"I'm sorry I was confused. I didn't know what to do!"

"I'm sorry that I yelled at you. Come here please." He whispered. I moved across the floor so that I was next to him. He placed his hand on my belly, then got up and walked away. 

"Wess?" i asked 

"I just need time to think Nat. Okay?" 


"I'll call you later or see you tomorrow at school"

"Uh okay bye" I told him as he walked into his room. I grabbed my backpack and got out my cellphone. I quickly scrolled down my contacts list and dialed Katy's number. 

"Hello?" She answered.

"It's me can you come pick me up at Wess' place?"

"Of course!" I hung up before I ran down the stairs and out of the building. 

As soon as I was out it hit me. I just told my boyfriend/teacher I was pregnant with his baby and he freaked. I don't know what to do. I'm not even sure if he'll want anything to do with me now. I thought to myself as Katy pulled up.

"How'd he take it?" She asked I started to cry. I couldn't help it.

"He freaked!"

"Oh wow. Honey I'm so sorry"

"Me too. Make you think doesn't it? Your with someone, then something happens and suddenly you're not sure if that someone will be there for you."

"You want to stay over at my place tonight? So you're not alone"

"Sounds good. The last thing I want is to be alone right now"

"Do you want anything?"

"Um" I thought about it. "Chicken nuggets and a sprite!"

"Totally. Burger King or McDonald's?"

"Burger King"

"Of course." She laughed. "I shouldn't have to ask" We laughed together. 

After we got food we rented some movies and got some popcorn. We ate when we got to her house, chicken nuggets, fries and a sprite. Yummy!!

"So, did you eat at school?" She asked. 

"No my mom made that crap yesterday and it made me sick. Oh yeah the baby doesn't like Doritos." I thought I should add in. We both laughed

"Speaking of your mom. Does she know?''

"Yeah she was the first to know. Well besides you of course." Katy was the one there when the doctor told me I was going to have a little baby growing inside of me.

"Oh. Does anybody else know?"

"Nope just us four"

"Well five"

"What do you mean five?" I counted in my head all the people that knew. Obviously I knew. my mother knew, Katy knew and Wess. That's only four.

"My mom got the bill and asked if it was me. So I had to tell her the truth. I wasn't going to lie Nat. I'm sorry"

"It's okay Katy. It's your mother. It's not like you told someone from school."

"You want to watch movies now?" She changed the subject.

"Sure final destination first though!"

"Urg okay, but then we watch a movie pick okay?"

"Dealio!" Final destination was amazing, as always. I ended up falling asleep halfway throughKaty's movie pick.

"Nat. Natalie Edwards!" Katy's voice shouted next to my eat, waking me up

"Hmm?" I asked

"Lets go to my room. Come on"

"Kay" I responded still half asleep. I walked up the stairs and crashed onto her bed 

"I guess I'm taking the floor" She said. It didn't take long for me to fall back into a dreamless sleep.


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