Adventure 101

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We landed on the clouds surrounding Neverland.

"There it is Wendy, home sweet home." I smiled putting my arm around her shoulder and pointing to all of my favorite places. Her smile was becoming bigger with each location I showed her. I saw Captain Hook's ship and I hoped he didn't see us. But to no avail a cannon ball was fired. Tink was flying around us with more dust.

"Tink! I want you to take Wendy back to the island! I'll deal with this cod fish." I smirked showing no fear as I flew to the ship. I could hear Wendy calling my name telling me to be careful and all. Wow, she talks a lot even when she is in possible danger. I went down to the ship and dealt with the captain, causing havoc and chaos for the pirates to clean up later. I was really in no mood for this today, and as always the Captain cried,

"I'll get you for this Pan! If its the last thing I do!" I look back to see him on the verge of tears and shaking his fist.

I laughed and sped up my flying hoping that Wendy got to the boys okay.


Okay Tinkerbell is crazy. She tried to kill Wendy! I mean who does that? She is obviously the damsel in distress but I mean...I think attempt at murder is a bit far. I banished her for a week. Seemed reasonable enough, Wendy convinced me. Oh Wendy...I like Wendy. She's still in her nightgown, I pretty sure most of London saw her underpants. I mean, she packed actual clothes in that suitcase of hers right? I had to pixie dust that heavy box too. Oh snap she's talking to me! Just smile and nod Peter and hope she didn't ask you a question.

"Oh! These are the lost boys! Hello, it's very nice to meet you! I'm Wendy." Wow Pan you really are lucky today. She shook all of their hands and kept smiling. She has such a pretty smile.

I cleared my throat,

"Uhm, right men! Line up!" The boys lined up shoulder to shoulder. "Right, this here is Nibs the bunny that is probably the most bravest of us all. This foxy boy, see what I did there, is Slightly. This is Cubby but unlike a bear, it's all muscle. And these are the twins, Marmaduke and Binky two little sneaky raccoons if you ask me." I turned to Wendy and smiled, "Any questions, comments, concerns?"

"Where is Tootles? He's the skunk right?" Oh crap...

"He's around here somewhere." In all honesty...I lost him a while ago. 

"Peter? Can we see the mermaids?" Wendy asked placing her hand on my shoulder. 

I turned to face her with a huge smile on my face, "Of course Wendy." I turned to The Lost Boys, "Men! Go hunt some indian's! It's time we got even." The boys whooped and yelled, running through the forest to plan thier attack. "C'mon Wendy, the mermaids are this way." I jumped on a rock and offered Wendy my hand. she smiled and intertwined our fingers. 

"Peter, don't we need more pixie dust?" Wendy asked tilting her head slightly.

I shook my head, "You should be okay for a while, but don't worry Wendy. I wouldn't let you fall through the sky. Lost Boy's honor." I smiled raising the hand she wasn't holding. She giggled and hopped on the rock with me.

"Okay Peter, I have my happy thought, I have faith that you won't drop me and I trust that you will take me to the mermaids." She smiled looking deeply into my eyes. I could lean a bit closer No Peter, mermaids. Go to the mermaids. "Well alrighty then, Miss.Darling. Off we go!" I jumped into the air launching Wendy and I over the tree's toward Mermaid Lagoon. 

We landed a couple meters away from the Mermaids, kind of hiding in the bushes.

"Oh Peter look! They are just lovely!" 

"You think so?" Wendy nodded folding her hands together by her face. "Do you want to go talk to them?" Her eyes grew wide with excitement. 

"Oh really Peter? If it isn't too much trouble..."

"It's no trouble at all! Come on!" I picked Wendy up and flew her over the Mermaids placing her on the rock in the center. "Hello girls! How are you today? This is Wendy." 

"Oh Peter we've missed you!" 

"Peter where have you been?" 

"Do you have any new stories for us today?" 

Typical, they ignored everything but me. Not that I hate the attention or anything but, I brought someone new. Who is actually interested in mermaids.  

"Girls, I've brought a story teller with me, her name is Wendy-" 

"Wendy," one the mermaids scoffs, Marissa I think, "What a dreadful name." 

"What do you do? Tell stories? Ha. Even Peter can do that." Samantha, I believe, said rather rudely. 

"Let's play a game!" Zoey annouces, "Can you swim?" She asked turning towards Wendy. 

"Well I-I'm only in my nightie and I don't-" Wendy stammered twisting her hands in the nightgown. 

"Oh come off it! Come on! Into the water!" Marissa grabbed Wendy's hand but she struggled out of her grip. However Zoey grabbed Wendy's other hand and Samantha was pulling on her nightgown. The other mermaids started to join in and splash at Wendy. 

"No! Please! Stop! Peter! Peter help me!" Wendy pleaded trying to get out of the grasp of the mermaids. I started to chuckle at how she thinks that she was strong enough to get out of thier trap. I looked away to hide my laughter when I heard a splash, and then silence. I looked over at the rock and Wendy and the mermaids were gone. Without really thinking I dove into the lagoon. I could make out the shape of Wendy struggling against the mermaids, I swam straight towards the mass of bodies grabbing onto Wendy's nightgown. The mermaids, surprisingly, let go, and I swam to the surface. 

I laid Wendy on the rock in the middle of the lagoon as she started to cough up water. She blinked several times before her face turned red, I don't know why. 

"You! Why didn't you stop them sooner?!" She yelled at me, her face turned red from anger then. 

"Look Wendy I'm really-" 

"Oh don't be such a codfish. It was all just a game." Zoey said floating on the water. 

"We were only trying to drown her." Samantha said innocently as she examined a seashell. 

"If she can't play the game properly and drown then I think you should take her away Peter." 

"Fine then, I know where I'm not wanted." Wendy stomped her foot and jumped off the rock and flew, faltering a bit. I sighed and said good bye to the mermaids to catch up with Wendy. 

"Wendy wait!" I flew right besides her and went on my back. "Look Wendy I'm really sorry. I didn't know that was going to happen, honest! Please forgive me." She looked at me still a little pissed but hey, she smiled a little. 

"Thank you for saving me, again." She looked at me and lost balance or dust because then she started falling. 

"Peter!" She cried out. 

"Wendy!" I dove right for her, scoping her up in my arms before she even made a ripple in the water. I circled around and went up on land to put her down. 

"Three times in one day; I'm getting rather good at this saving your life thing." 


The picture on the side is what i picture the lost boys to be wearing

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