I Told You So

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Here is the next chapter! By the way, the song that Erin sings in this chapter is not an original, I know that, and now you know that. But it's fiction so please just go along with it:) The song she sings is Somewhere Only We Know by Keane. The song is like perfect.



Chapter 4

I Told You So

"Come on! Uncle Si's gonna love you!" Harry persisted.

"No! I-I can't go! And what am I gonna do if he recognizes me as the girl who's supposedly dead, huh? And what if he wants to get me publicity and then since I can't he'll tell me I can't have the record deal?" I rambled on.

It had been at least a week since I had arrived at the house with the boys, and almost every afternoon, I would come to the piano and play a few songs, and the boys would come down to listen to me. Now, they were saying that I should try out for a record deal, saying that I would definitely get it and that I could start out my career by being the opening act for them.

Throughout the week, we had all become close friends, and we got along greatly. I haven't been locked away in this house either, I've been able to do a little sight seeing, but I had to disguise myself.

Mark said that he's still working on getting the money, for now my account is frozen, and my step-mom was still pretending to mourn my death and was setting up a funeral. We would have to get my inheritance before my funeral, because God knows when she would decide to look into it.

"You're going to be fine!" Niall said, waving around his chicken finger. We had just finished eating lunch, and now is that the boys came up with their brilliant little plan.

The truth was, I was terrified.

Not in fear that my step-mom would find me, but in fear that I would get turned down and all of my dreams would be crushed, set on fire, and thrown off a cliff.

"I-I don't know," I replied. Harry came over to me and engulfed me in a hug, me gladly hugging back. To say that I hadn't developed feelings for him would be a lie.

"You'll do great, and we'll be there to encourage you. Now go get dressed, we have to leave in a few minutes." Harry said, rubbing circles into my back. I nodded and ran up the stairs.

I took a deep breath, and got into my room. I looked through my clothes, and managed to find an outfit that fit the occasion.

I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. My black curls cascaded down my back, and my lips looked redder than ever, not to mention that my blue eyes really popped out next to my black hair. I wore a light pink tank top with a light sweater that began white and became a dark pink as it got to the bottom of the sweater. I wore short shorts, but not those type of shorts that exposed your bum. The shorts had flowers on them, and I had put on simple black flip flops.

"Erin, are you-" Harry had opened the door and then cut himself off when he saw me, his mouth now hanging open. I smiled and walked passed him, skipping down the stairs.

"Alright, I'm ready." I announced, as the boys began filing out of the house. Harry came up behidn me and put his large hand on the small of my back. I shivered involuntarily, only to recieve a smirk from Harry. This ended in me blushing furiously, not to mention that I had such pale skin.

"Are you nervous?" Zayn asked, as we closed the door to the car and began making our way to 'the studio' as the boys called it.

"No Zayn, I feel absolutely fine with the possibility of rejection and my dreams being puked on, and the need for me to sing in front of one of the most critical people I have ever seen." I replied sarcastically.

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