Nothing Says Romantic Than One Direction in Diapers

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Sorry for not updating in forever! Here's another chapter!

In a way it's both a filler chapter and an important chapter. Well, not that important...but I guess that could be debatable. Eh, whatever. Either way, here it is!



Chapter 6

Nothing Says Romantic Than One Direction in Diapers

"Erin, can I please ask you private?" Harry asked after we finished watching Wreck-It Ralph. That movie is seriously awesome. The way Harry asked to talk to me, sounded like it was something important, and it instantly made me nervous.

I got up from my comfortable position on the couch and made my way over to the entrance of the living room where Harry was.

"Why do you wanna talk to her in private?" Zayn asked genuinely curious, but his smirk said otherwise. I cocked an eyebrow, my suspicions rising as to what Harry wanted to ask me when Harry's cheeks turned pink.

"I-I just want to ask her s-something. I j-just don't want to ask with you guys around." Harry stuttered. I fought the urge to pinch his cheeks and tell him how cute he was, because he was honestly adorable right now, getting all flustered.

"I mean we all trust each other, and of course we wouldn't judge or anything. So please, enlighten us with what you were about to ask Erin." Louis proclaimed, standing up from his position on the floor, crossing his arms and giving Harry a knowing smile.

"So you guys wouldn't judge me in how I ask this question or make fun of me about it?" Harry questioned, narrowing his eyes at the same time he scratched the back of his neck. By the look on the boys' faces, it seemed like they knew what Harry wanted to ask me and they were most likely going to tease him about it.

A million possibilities of what he wanted to ask me popped into my head, but none of them would actually make sense. Like a thought popped into my head saying, What if he wants to ask you out?

But I didn't want to jump to conclusions, only to have my hopes let down.

"I don't know, I can smell the judge already." I said skeptically, as I looked at each boy suspiciously.

"Well, by the way he's acting it seems like we have a right to judge and tease him about it. I mean, he's acting like he's going to ask you to marry him or something." Niall snickered.

Harry shot him glare before turning to me and taking a deep breath. "Would you, Erin Michelle White, like to go on a date with me?" He asked, his eyes hopeful.

"I would've expected something a little different coming from the 'flirt' of the group," Liam chuckled, his fingers making air quotes when he said 'flirt.'

By now, all the boys were laughing, by the dorky way that Harry asked me on a date and how shy he was acting right now. I was going to say yes, but I wanted to do something before any of that.

"Hold on a sec," I told Harry, a bewildered look crossing his face as I went to the kitchen quickly, coming back with what I wanted to get. The boys were still laughing, and didn't noticed I left.

"You boys are being such assholes right now," I said, while rolling my eyes. They didn't hear me, and I smirked when they had all gotten into somewhat a pile on the floor laughing.

I took the bucket of freezing water from the sink and dumped it on all of them, making sure each of them got wet.

"AHHHH!!!" They all screamed. It was me and Harry's turn to laugh our heads off.

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