the influence of my family

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You think family would care right? They would notice when you lost 5 kilo, they would tell you you should gain, they wont call you fat right? Well my family isn't like that...once when I lost 5 kilo they asked if I gained. And when I eat I always get told I eat too much and should stop eating so much or I'll get fat. I've been told that I'm fat so many times that this has alot of influence on me. From my experience, family does'nt always notice when someone starves themselves. Family does'nt notice you weight yourself every week. Family doesnt notice you dont take lunch with you to school they might be family but do they know you at all? Its the same when I selfharmed. My mum once saw my cuts on my wrist and she believed that it was from a fight on school? Like who would believe that? They were pretty deep and nobody has that long nails like a goddamn knife. But it made me realise that when you want help you really have to ask it or make it so worse that they have to notice. Maybe when I lose 10 more kilo they would notice I'm not fine at all.

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