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Lately I have alot of problems with my class, I had to explain about my depression and you might think they'd be helpfull but no. They were like "whatever just deal with it, its not that hard" well it fucking is. They dont get sad about every little thing that happens. They dont think about a thing that happened years ago. They dont have it so they cant understand it. Like a while ago I lost my charger and I fucking cried about it. Like its just a charger?? For me, Depression is like the weather. Sometimes its sunny, I smile. But sometimes I have these storms with rain that I just cry about every little stupid thing possible. You might think now okay whatever what has this to do with your eating disorder well, I have those days that I'm so depressed that I lock myself up or out that I just cry about everything. And dont eat at all or even think about eating. All I thought about was the depressing things.

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