Hanji's party part 2

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"Enough with the sappy-shit! This is a fucking party and I feel like I just walked into a soap-opera!" Mikasa growled, eyeing the beer. I chuckled at my sisters behavior. She loved her alcohol.

"Jesus mutt, I was having a moment!" My fanged-lover scolded. I pecked him on the cheek and was rewarded with another kiss to my forehead. 

All the non-pregnant people and christa didn't drink. Christa couldn't stand it. She thinks it's a 'pee flavored soda' I agree with that, but cider I love. 

My eyes concentrated on the apple and berry cider in front of me. Christa nudged me as did Marco. I looked up at them to be met with warning eyes. I put my hands up in mock defiance. Christa couldn't help but giggle. 

I noticed Levi walk toward me with a smirk plastered on his face. 

I raised a brow.

"I'm thirsty." He informed me. I looked at him blankly.

"There's a ton of beer and cider over there. Drink with your friends." I half-ordered him.

"No, I don't want to drink alcohol. I'm driving. And you taste much better." I blushed. Marco and chits a were gaping. They thought it was dirty.

Levi scoffed at their shocked faces and licked my neck. They looked horrified. And now everyone was watching with mortified faces. Allexcept from Hanji and Erwin, they were too busy doing a keg stand. 

He bit into my flesh. I couldn't help but moan at the sensation. Every fucking time! Every time I can't help but fucking moan. Mikasa looked about ready to stab a bitch. That bitch at this moment in time being Levi.

Reluctantly, he realeased my neck from his mouth. He licked the blood that dripped from his mouth. I inwardly cringed.

"Levi, you lil' betch..." Mikasa slurred. She wobbled over to Levi and attempted to slap him. She failed and fell onto the coffee table. Levi actually laughed. In. Front.of.my.friends! Hanji dropped Erwin, causing him to fall onto the beer keg. They both looked at Levi along with everyone else. Armin looked terrified and his behind Jean, Jean hid behind Marco, Marco hid behind Ymir, Ymir hid hehind christa. And christa just stood there not giving a fuck. I laughed. Christa was always the once that was easily creeped out by the slightest thing, now her girlfriend —freckled satan— was cowering behind her in pure fear.

That made me laugh. Levi and I stood there laughing for a whole ten minutes. Mikasa was still on the now broken coffee table groaning and grumbling.

"Call....Annie...tell...her...I...lo-" she was cut off by the door slamming open.

"My mates in danger!" A loud voice called. I hid behind Levi. Annie scared the living shit outta me! (No mcr feels intended) 

Annie, in all her badass glory, ran in and dove onto mikasa in a bear hug. Mikasa winced in pain at the crushing contact.

"Mikasa!" Annie whined. "Who's gonna buy me that album now?! " She practically cried.

Levi looked at me with the 'what the actual fuck?' Eyes. I just sighed and dragged him to the car.

"Bye guys! Hanji sorry if my sister dies on your floor!" I apologized before walking out. Hanji tried to follow us, only to stumble down over mikasa's body.

Levi ran to the car with me on his heels. He started it quickly. We drove home to our music on the radio.

I turned it up a notch. 

"Check yes Juliet, are you with me? Rain is falling down on the sidewalk. I won't go, until you come outside." 

My eyes lit up instantly. I squealed with delight. Levi looked at me with a brow raised.

"Check yes Juliet, kill the limbo I'll keep tossing rocks at your window. There's not turning back for us, tonight." 

"Lace up your shoes (ay oh, au oh), here's how we do."

I got ready for the chorus. I was ready to sing along with Travis clark. Even if he was only on the radio.

"Run baby run! Don't ever look back! They'll tear us apart, if we give them the chance! Don't tell your heart, don't say 'we're not meant to be' run baby run. Forever will be, you and me!"

Levi smiled as he drove. I pressed a kid to his cheek as the riff played introducing the next verse.

"Check yes Juliet I'll be waiting, wishing, wanting yours for the taking. Just sneak out, and don't tell a soul 'goodbye. Check yes Juliet, here's the countdown: three, two, one now fall in my arms now. They can't change the locks, don't let them change your mind." 

I sung along with the 'any oh's. Levi picked up pretty quickly and sung with me.

Before we could finish the song we found ourselves outside our apartment building. I whined and pouted. Levi shrugged.

"I'll buy you the album." I smiled and stepped out of the car.

I couldn't be bothered to climb the stairs, instead I took the elevator. Levi bet he could beat me by walking up the stairs, I accepted his challenge and stepped inside the metal room — if that's what it is.

Levi was not in the hallway and the door was locked. I assumed I had beat him. I smirked to myself and opened the door.

"Thaught you bet me huh?" Levi's voice rang around the entrance. I gasped at the sudden approach. 

He chuckled and hugged me. I giggled a little. We separated and flopped onto the couch. Levi was booking our appointment with the doctor who reminds Levi of his uncle. I didn't know he had an uncle. Like at all.

I rested my head in his lap and turned on the tv. I started watching a film from the 70's. 'Rocky horror picture show.' Was the title. 

I chuckled at the stupidity of the movie.

Levi finished booking the appointment and joined me in watching the movie.

"Have you ever watched this?" I asked, slight curiosity in my voice.

"Of course. I met that chick on a bus once." He said as he pointed to the redhead with the top hat. I chuckled.

"Is she really that high pitched?" He shrugged.

"I never talked to her. Just saw her." I hummed in response.

We watched the rest of the movie in silence. 



I'm so sorry! Wattpad was being a dick to me and my English teacher stacked me with himework, which I haven't started. This was so short and late! I apologize!

Stay kawaii reader-chan! 💜💙💚💛

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