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The night was going well. We watched movies and randomly joked about the fact we were in a honeymoon suit, along with the fact I had mikasa's bag instead of my own. I decided I would just sleep in my underwear and mikasa's unisex baggy shirt.

I was curious about Levi. I wanted to know how many years he's been alive and all that stuff. I decided I was going to ask him when the movie finishes.

The movie came to a close and then I turned to face Levi.

"Hey Levi?" I asked shifting from the position I was sitting in.

"Yes, brat?" He replied, facing me.

"How old are you really?" He tenced. I saw his grey eyes fall to the floor.

" I'm ninety four. I'll be ninety five on Christmas." He blushed lightly. He was born on Christmas? Wow..

"Wow...." I trailed off. He was hot for a ninety four year old. He is a vamipre though, what the fuck am I doing?

"So, brat what do your parents think of you touring the world with vampires?" My eyes blurred with a few tears. What would dad think? What would mom think? Mom would be proud, most likely. But dad? Would he care? Or would he kill me?

" mom died when I was younger, I think I was nine or ten. Maybe eight. She was murdered trying to save me from this wolf-hunter-gang-thing. I don't know where dad is, he left a few years ago." Levi was dumbstruck. I know why. Alphas are suppose to protect their family no matter what, dad's the only exception.

"Why did he go?" He asked, his voice was gentle.

"Because I'm an omega most likely. He never liked it." I looked to him. His face was soft, relaxed even. His eyes were full of sympathy. Then he moved closer. His lips parted slightly, his eyes were closed. I felt like I knew what he was going to do. But I didn't deny him, I invited him. If anything I think I'm falling for this cold-hearted vampire.

Before I could finish my thaughts, his lips were against mine. His lips were soft and dry. His mouth tasted of mint and popcorn. My hands were against his chest, his were against my waist. Then he pulled back.

"I-I'm sorry, Eren. I didn't know what I was thinking..." My stomach dropped. He regretted it. His eyes moved to the floor. I heard a crash.

"You bastard!" Mikasa lunged toward Levi and slapped him. Hanji followed her, along with Annie. Hanji ran to restrain mikasa.

"You fucking stole Eren's first kiss! That's dangerous!" I blushed and gave mikasa a warning look. She ignored me and kicked Levi in his leg.

"How the fuck is it dangerous?!" He yelled back. He was blush the slightest bit.

"It makes omega's attached! And when they have their first kiss, they enter a first heat!" Then I realized. It was true. My body soon became hot and uncomfortable. Mikasa and Annie looked at me with regret in their eyes. Annie rushed over to me. She pressed a hand on my forehead and yelled something I couldn't make out. I then blacked out.

[^_^] Leh morning time [^_^]

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. It had green walls and creamy-white colored bedsheets. My body was still in heat, from what I could tell. I looked to my left to see mikasa still yelling at Levi. Once they noticed I was awake they walked over to me.

Light was streaming in through the windows. It looked nice.

"Eren, I'm so sorry." Levi hung his head.

"You better be! And you have to stay away from him when he's in heat!" Mikasa growled at him.

"Why?" He asked with another growl.

"Heats are an urge to mate. Annie has me, so she barely has to put up with it. But Eren, he isn't mated. He'll want sex. And because he's about as straight as a circle, he'll be the one to take it up the ass. Which would result in another little Eren." Levi blushed as red as I did. Then it hit me, the urge. I nearly threw myself at him.

Levi left. Leaving me with mikasa.

"Eren...." She sighed. Her eyes had tears in them. I was about to comfort her when I decided not to. It hurt to move. It made it more painful.

" hurts!" I winced. She just nodded.

"It will, until you mate. Even when you find your alpha you'll still get heats, only they'll be less painful." I nodded. That's what it was like for Annie, aparrantly.

"Come on! We still have a tour to get to. Maybe we'll find you an alpha, then you'll get better." I nodded. But I didn't want an alpha strangely. I wanted a certain vampire. A vampire that stole my first kiss.

[^_^] yaaaay more scene skips [^_^]

We were all back on the tour bus. Mikasa told Jean to stay away from me for a few days. As his mate wasn't here and he was in rut, bad things would probably happen. As if! I'd never get with horse-face!

"Awwww Eren! You look really cute when in pain! Oh wait, that sounded perverted didn't it? I'm sorry! But hey, is it true Levi did this to you?" Hanji was questioning me. As if on cue, Levi walked in.

"Yes. It's true." Levi answered for me. I instantly felt hot, hotter than before. Hanji noticed something and pulled out a big book that said 'omegas and stuff' she found a page and laughed. I dreaded what fact would come out of her mouth next.

"Hehehe! Oh my god! Levi your screwed!" Hanji laughed harder. Mikasa walked in followed by Ymir and christa.

"Oh shit! I forgot about that! You fucking blood-sucker! I'll kill you!" Ymir nodded in agreement christa just walked over to my side. Omegas comforted other omegas all the time. It's instinct.

"It says here," he pointed at a paragraph in the book. "That the creature that steals an omegas first kiss is forever emotionally attatched to the omega!"


"Levi!" Mikasa punched him across the jaw. Hanji gasped and jumped in between the two. I felt Levi's pain. Then mikasa looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry, Eren. It's just now your stuck with this bastard and we can't find you an alpha anymore to control your heats." I nodded. Levi looked at me regrettably.

"So I just took away his future and gave him pain?" Mikasa nodded and scowled. Then Hanji jumped again pointing at another paragraph.

"Here it says that an omegas heat can be controlled by any male. Any supernatural or human species. And that first heats can be deadly. So much so, that if not mated wishing the first three days, the omega can die." Mikasa looked mortified, as did Levi. I just curled up in a ball and whimpered. Christa rubbed my back and my neck. It helped a bit.

"But, you can take away some pain by rubbing scent glands on the other. That would be wrists and necks." Hanj added. She knew more about me than I did.

Levi walked over to me and grabbed my arm. Then he placed his wrist over mine, the pain instantly lessened. I relaxed and let a small,quiet moan come out of my lips. Levi smiled gently.

"I'm so sorry. Your stuck with me forever now." I hope he didn't regret it, because I sure didn't. It was cute. On the first day on tour he wanted to beat me up, now he's my mate.



This chapter was fast paced, but I hope you like it! just a warning, I think smut will,be happening in a few chapters, because Levi needs to save Eren from the first heats right? I can't wait smut so I'm sorry if I'm shit at it.

And I just want to thank you for the two votes I have. It may not be much, but it means the world for me, especially you guys reading. Comments are always appreciated!

Stay kawaii reader-chan 💛💚💙💜

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