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thks was it. This was the day I find out whether my uncle is an omega and alpha doctor, or if it's just a person who shares the same name. Which would disappoint me a lot. And I mean a lot. A lot meaning I'd fall into my depression and stay out until who-knows-what time.

I gripped the leather steering-wheel in front of me with such force I was scared  it would break off. Eren was eyeing me curiously. I couldn't blame him. I probobly looked like an angry, vampire gnome. Yes I did just call myself a gnome. 

While I was having a mini-breakdown in my drivers seat, Eren was humming quite happily and rubbing his abdomen. Then I remember the real reason we're doing this. To get pictures of our little, much loved 'accident'. I chuckled. This was the best accident we could've had in this relationship. It's only been about three months and a few weeks, but here we are. By the time we celebrate our one year anniversary, Eren will be ready to pop. 

"Hey, brat. We're here." I stopped outside a tall building. It looked like a regular business building. But it was actually a hospital and clinic for wolves and vampires. The floors six and up are vampire clinics, the bottom six are the Wolves' clinic. 

Eren grinned. "I can't believe we're actually here!" He squealed. "What about you?" 

I smirked and got out the car. I walked over to Eren's side, opening the door for him.

"I'm just as excited as you are." I assured him while placing a kiss to his knuckle. He giggled at the gesture. I smirked and kissed him lips softly.

We walked into the large building. I marveled at the area. The lobby was painted a grey couloir with while tile floors that shone with the bright light above us. They call this a hospital? No, this is more like a fancy-ass hotel. We walked over to the front desk to see Annie. She looked at us for a second and beckoned us over.

"So, you guys are here to see dr Ackerman, right?" Eren nodded. "'Kay, so it's third floor room eighty. Got that you scuicidal bastard?" Eren laughed and slapped her arm playfully.

"It's been a while since I've been called a scuicdal bastard Annie." I looked at him with a look that shouted 'the fuck is that nickname?' 

We took the elevator to the third floor. We waited in silence listening to the elevator music. Eren swayed absently. He liked jazz from what I gathered from all the movies he watches. Those are musicals from the 1900's like 'Chicago' even though that was filmed in 2007 but was based in the 20's. 

We stepped out into the warm-ish air of the hallway. It had the same decor as the lobby, only there were people in wheelchairs crossing the hall with nurses pushing them along. I heard a scream of agony come from a few rooms away. A woman was in a lot of pain. Eren shivered.

"She must be giving birth." Eren's face paled. He was clearly terrified. I mean, who wouldn't be? He would be dong the exact same in nine months. I mentally slapped myself. This was my fucking fault.

"Come on, let's go get the kid checked out." I said sternly as I pulled him to the room that read the number eighty.

Eren knocked on the door with a gentle tap. We heard a faint 'come in' from inside. I pushed the door open and let Eren walk inside.

"Levi?" A shocked, deep voice rung from the desk.

"Hello uncle." I greeted. He turned to face me. His face hasn't changed much since I last saw him. He still had the eyes and wrinkles. After a few seconds stood in silence we laughed and smiled. My uncle crushed me into a tight hug. I hugged back with all my strength.

Eren snapped a photo with his phone. 

"So, you finally decided to man up and get married huh?" I chocked.

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