Hanji's party

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Eren fell asleep this afternoon. I don't blame him. I just gave him the best sex he could have. I was on the bed with one arm wrapped around Eren's waist and the other stroking the being growing inside of my omega lover. I couldn't get around the fact i was going to be a parent. I was, and still am, incredibly happy that I'm going to have a family of my own.

I heard a knocking on the door. I reluctantly climbed off the bed and threw on some pajama pants. I could hear the door being knocked on again. I strutted to the door in my normal after-sex swag.

I opened the door to find mikasa, Armin and Jean. Behind them was a freckled guy I didn't know. His hand was being held my Jean.

"Come on in." I invited them all in. Mikasa glared at me. Armin cringed. Jean smirked. The black haired freckled guy was the only one that thanked me.

They all sat on the couch.

"I heard you got jaeger pregnant." I nodded. Mikasa's glare grew more fiery.

"Oh sorry. I forgot to tell you. That's Marco, Eren's cousin and Ymir's brother." Eren was related to the freckled satan? Would this make Marco the other freckled satan?

"Wait, your freckled satan's brother?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, only I'm not satan." He added shyly.

Jean spoke for him.

"He's actually called freckled Jesus." I nodded.

I heard a crash and whine come from the bedroom. I stood up and ran over to Eren.

I walked in to find Eren on the floor, cuddling his stomach. I picked him up and sat him on the bed. I put a pair of underwear on him and wrapped him in the spare blanket I kept at the bottom of my dresser.

I carried him to his friends.

"Holy shit!" Jean and Armin pointed at Eren's hickey-covered neck. Mikasa audibly growled. Eren smiled at Marco.

"Marco I can smell it, how come you haven't told anyone?" Eren asked. Jean, mikasa, Armin and I gave them both questioning looks.

"I-I....u-um....wanted to keep it a secret. I do t want it to ruin things between me and Jean." Jean stared at Eren with one brow raised.

"Marco you're pregnant!" Jean nearly fainted. Mikasa tried to keep Jean awake by gently slapping his cheeks. Armin jumped up and hugged him.

"Oh my god! That's so great!" He yelled. I let Eren down, believing he could stand now. He could but he limped when he walked.

"Our kids can grow up together!" Eren hugged Marco tightly. Marco hugged back. I growled. Armin patted my shoulder.

"Don't worry, they've always been close. They're just happy is all." He soothed me. I nodded in agreement.

We all sat on couches, chairs and spare beanbags while watching whatever the fuck the pregnant omegas wanted to watch. They both were in a mood swing. Eren was feeling angry, while Marco was rather upset over nothing. Jean sat behind Marco with him positioned inbetween jeans legs. A sat next to Eren and rubbed his back and neck.

"So, you guys going to hanjis party tomorrow?" Mikasa finally asked. Eren and I nodded.

"Cool. We all have to go, see you guys tomorrow." She walked out. The others followed.

Both of us called it a night and fell asleep on the couch cuddled together.

[>.<] Leh time skip [>.<]

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