The legit struggle

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Oh. My. God.

We both barely got any sleep. Once one of the twins started crying, the other followed. It happened multiple times each night. Aria would be the first, then Christian would be woke by the noise and decide he was hungry. Eren tried to give them both equal amounts of his milk, but it didn't work. It was too much work.

"Your turn." Eren rolled over to me and whispered in my ear. I huffed and climbed out of bed. I turned to the kids room and saw Aria crying. Her tiny arms flailing in her crib.

I picked her up and hushed her, then smelled her lower region. She didn't shit. Good. I then went downstairs to prepare her a bottle. And on cue, Christian began crying from the loss of his sister. I head an audible groan come from upstairs, which was Eren.

"Can you just not?" I asked Aria who was gulping down her bottle. She smiled and giggled, her brown eyes shining in the kitchen light.

Eren walked downstairs carrying a red faced Christian. He was just like Eren. He was stubborn and determined.

"I swear I'm about to die from lack of sleep." Eren complained while snuggling Christian. He reached out and grabbed Eren's longish hair and pulled. "Ow! Christian, your too much like your daddy." I smirked and looked back to Aria, who had finished the bottle. I began burping her.

"What time is it?" I looked at the digital cloth that was on the microwave.

"Four in the morning." Eren groaned and set our silver and green eyes boy into a little Moses basket. He then went to the fridge to pick out some food.

"Levi, where's my cake?" He asked, looking at me for a second.

"I put it in the lower part." Eren dropped onto his knees and looked through boxes of desserts, until he found his prize.

The raven haired boy had fallen to sleep, his sister following. I set her down in the Moses basket next to Christian. Eren had finished his cake in seconds.

"Sleep of the couch?"

"Sleep on the couch." Eren confirmed as we headed for the couch. We fell onto it and wrapped each other in each others warmth. Eren hummed and kissed my jaw before cuddling into my chest to sleep.

~[*_*]~ legit morning time because I'm lazy ~[*_*]~

"Eren?" I was woke up by someone calling for Eren. It sounded like freckled Jesus. Maybe he was here to babysit so Eren and I could have some time to ourselves, something we haven't had in forever.

I stood up from the couch, making Eren fall a bit and wake up. I opened the door to find Marco with Theo. in his stroller.

"Hey Marco." I yawned.

"Hey Levi, is Eren up?" I heard groans come from the living room. I turned around to see Eren stood with  Aria in his arms. He kissed her forehead and smiled at her.

"Yeah, looks like it. Come on in." He thanked me before walking through the door, leaving the stroller outside but taking Theo.

Marco took his shoes off and carried his son into the living room, where Eren was cooing over his twins.

"Sup, freckles?" Eren grinned. Marco chucked with his baby.

"Nothing, Eren. Just wanted to see how you were doing is all." I smiled gently before retreating to the kitchen to prepare bottles. They're normally to be hungry in around this time.

"Shhh, it's okay baby. Momma's got you." I heard Eren calm a crying Aria. Just in time. I chuckled to myself and started warming milk.

After I prepared the second bottle, I walked back to the room where Eren and Marco were fussing over the three crying children. I took Christian and positioned the bottle so it was barely touching his little lips, he let out a groan and took it. Eren did the same with Aria. Marco excused himself to the bathroom so he could change Theo.

Eren and I sat there, cradling the two babies while feeding them. Eren kissed my nose halfway through, making Aria giggle excitedly. I kissed him, making Christian groan again. Aria smiled while she drank her milk. Marco walked in with them and smiled.

"It was nice seeing you, but Theo. wants his daddy." Eren waved him goodbye as he let himself out.

I looked at the silver and green eyes of Christian, he smirked. He doesn't smile like his sister, he smirks. I rolled my eyes and smirked back at him. He chuckled and grabbed my finger, holding it tightly. I smiled and kissed his black hair, which was now getting quite long. I heard almost inaudible mumbled coming from Aria. I looked at her and she was moving her mouth, looking directly in the eyes of Eren.

"I agree." Eren said, Aria giggled and flailed her tiny arms in excitement that her mother knew what she was saying.

"Heloooo!" Hanjis annoying voice burst through the doors, making Christian jump. He giggled as soon as Hanji walked in.

He reached out for her but Hanji shook her head. "No, you need to bond with your daddy!" She scolded with a funny face. Christian huffed and leaned into me. It's like he already understood things

"Hey there Eren. Nice to see you awake again." Hanji smiled at Eren, her glasses catching light from the windows giving her that anime thing. "Did I just hear Aria talk?" Hanji quizzed the young girl. She filled and mumbled something again. She then squealed as Eren held her to me. I laid Christian on the couch and took Aria. She giggled and snuggled into my arm. Cute. She's like Eren. Christian, however. Was like me when I was a kid. Smirking and chuckling instead of smiling and laughing.

"I just came to drop these off. Mikasa said she'd take care of the kids for the night. She needs to bond with them as an aunt. Plus, her and Annie are thinking of adopting." Eren squeaked and held Christian to his chest.

"It's all cool, but he just bit me." Hanji giggled and took Christian from Eren.

"He's a vampire. So is she. They turn into wolves at free will, they stop aging at the age they mate. So you better be careful. I checked with the doctors and Kenny, they said their ruts and heats will be stronger. Therefore more alphas and omegas will want them at a much younger age than you did Eren." I started wide eyed at Eren, who looked about ready to kill.

"Any bastards who touch my kids before they want to mate will go to hell. And I'll send them there." Eren scowled.

"That's my line!" I laughed. Eren looked at me and the anger disappeared from his face. He stood up and ran upstairs, to get a bag I'm guessing.

Me and Hanji chatted for fifteen minutes before Eren came down with a bag. I looked through the clear plastic and saw, diapers, clothes, extra clothes, bottles and formula. Did I forget to mention their plushes?

"Thanks Eren! I'll give these to mikasa, I'll leave you two. I know you haven't done it lately." She wiggled her eyebrows. I groaned and placed Aria in her travel seat while Hanji did Christian's.

She left with our twins. But not before Eren and I kissed both of them and cooed various 'I love you' to them.

I then shoved Eren into the bedroom, whispering sweet nothings as I did so. This would be something we both missed.


So, I can't be bothered to write more smut. So just read 'an average smutty day' again but just pretend Eren isn't pregnant. Sounds okay? Good.

I have had writers block the past couple of days, and I went back to school. I'm trying to sort out my sleep schedule. I don't like going to bed at four in the morning snd getting up at six so....yeah.

Stay kawaii reader chan! 💛💚💜💙

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