You Get Hurt

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"I'm so excited for our room! It's gonna be smashing and I can't wait to have it all to ourselves." Niall winked at me while walking towards the hotel. I looked away blushing as he laughed at my burning face.

"Can you guys keep it down with your dirty conversation?" Harry called at us, annoyed.

"You're just bitter, Haz." Niall shot back. We laughed at Harry's face with Zayn and Louis teasing him even more.

On our way to the hotel, even from afar, you can already see tons of people swarming the entrance. Some looked like fans, but you can never deny the familiar outfit of dangerous paparazzi's.

Niall's hand left my hand and his arm looped through my waist. His hold tighten, not wanting to let me go.

"Don't worry, princess. We'll get through this."

As we got closer, the paps started nearing us. Immediately, our guards made a circle formation to act as our barricade.

All the flash started and it felt as though I was starting to be blind. Niall put his shades on mine.

"Niall..." I whimpered. I never liked this kind of scene, but I'm willing to go through it for Niall.

"It's okay, princess. Just a few more minutes, we'll get through this." Niall tightened his arm around me as our circle entered through the paps.

Suddenly, I don't know when and I especially don't know how, but our barricade broke and the paps crowded us. Niall got separated from me and I landed on the floor. Some cameras went to my face, most rushed after the five. My body got bruised, my stomach was kicked, and my finger was bending the way it shouldn't. One tried to help me up, but got away quickly.

"N- Niall..." I managed to whisper. All I could do was shield my head, looking for any sign that someone came to help me. Just when I was about to lose hope, I saw a quick flash of blonde hair and another head with brown hair in a quiff.

Niall and Louis pushed through the crowd while I heard Liam shouting, "Get the hell away from her!" Niall helped me up while Louis was telling a pap to back off.

"Oh my god, I'm so so sorry, baby." He had tears running down his face while he gently and carefully picked me up bridal style.

"Ni... Get me out..." I softly told him. My stomach was aching like hell, I don't know how long I can last.

"Yes, baby, we'll get you out." Niall croaked out with the tears continuously streaming down his face.

"Keep your eyes open, please. Baby, please."

And I blacked out.


I woke up in a white room with a tv blaring some news.

"One Direction lads fight off paps at the entrance of their hotel to save poor (Y/N). Reports showed that Louis Tomlinson even managed to punch one in the jaw. Well buddy, you mess with (Y/N), you get the whole band at you."

My mouth hung open, and the door suddenly was opened by Niall, who was holding a tray with balanced food. As soon as he saw me awake, he carefully rushed over to me, put the tray on my table and sat by me. His smile was so wide, you can't even comprehend.

"Hi princess!" His eyes asked permission if he could kiss my forehead, since my hand was broken from the encounter. I nodded a little and he did so.

"Mhm, feels nice for you to do that again." I giggled at the sensation of his lips on my forehead.

"I missed you... You were unconscious for two days!" He frowned, but smiled again anyway.

"Just two days, Ni. You got through it."

"If the boys weren't here for those two days, I couldn't have." He said, getting the tray and placing it on his lap. He removed the container of the utensils and the cover of the food. "Those were my worst two nights. Oh, if you just-"

"Saw him crash, you'd feel so sad for him." Zayn continued for him. I looked at where his voice originated from, and saw the other lads walking in, plus Paul. They sat on the couch, and watched as Niall fed me. They told stories of how Niall acted when I was unconscious while Niall blushed in embarrassment.

"Louis, I heard you punched a pap." I fake frowned at him, keeping my smile.

"Oh, the asshle deserved it." He said, laughing.

We laughed and continued to keep on telling stories.

After a while, they left to record their new song, but Niall stayed behind.

"Why don't you join them? I'll be fine." I smiled at him. He sighed and smiled again, pinching my cheek softly with his free hand.

"Nope. I'm staying. I don't think I'd be okay if I was separated from you again."


Hm, is it that bad? 😂😭

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