MLAL-chapter 11

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**Maya's P.O.V**

"Okay class! Today i am assigning an English project." My English teacher stated with his low yet enthusiastic voice.

"You all have to do a 10 page summary of "To Kill A Mocking Bird" he stated.

"ughhhhhhhh" the whole class said in unison. "Well I'll be nice and let you do it with a partner!" he said. The class lightened up and everyone looked to their friend. None of my friends were in this class so I just stared at the floor.

"Well I'm gonna be picking your partners" my teacher said. The class grunted again and Mr.Brown started to recite our partners.

I was lost in space when I heard my voice. "Lauren and Maya" he said.

I looked to Lauren and she looked really excited. This girl was way too happy all the time, something about her was sketchy.

She headed over too me, her long blond hair swaying behind her, and her big brown eyes piercing into me. "Looks like we are partners!" she said showing her pearly whites. "So you wanna come over to my house after school so we can work on this?" I asked her.

"i cant! I'm going over to Harry's house tonight!" she said. My heart fell. I wanted Harry back. I didn't want to share him with anyone. But it was too late.

"ummm....well can i come over too your house tomorrow?" she asked.

oh no. My mom was going to dinner tomorrow with her friends so she couldn't watch Hudson  and I did. "um..well you can but I have to babysit my cousin" i said. "OH OK! That'll be fun! I cant wait to see your cousin!" she practically screamed. "ok there" i mumbled.

The bell rang and me and Lauren walked out the door. I walked to my locker while she trailed behind me.

"umm?? why are you following me??" i said. "LOL" she said. Did she actually just say lol....

"I'm going to my next class..Science with Mr.Fitz..." she said. (YA I MADE MT.FITZ A SCIENCE TEACHER  #PLL4LYFE).

"oh..ok" i said. I have it with Mr.Fitz too" I stated. "Oh great! So does Harry!" she smiled at me.

**Harry's P.O.V**

I ran into my science class out of breath. "Mr.Styles..late as usual" said Mr.Fitz. 

i scanned the classroom to find an open seat and found one next to Lauren. On her right was Maya. The whole class was boring. I kept stealing glances to Maya and sometimes she would catch me staring, I would just smile.

The day went by fast and as I got to my locker, I found Lauren waiting for me. "There you are" she said with a sigh. "Here I am" I said.

I got my stuff from my locker, laced my hands in Laurens and headed out the door. I walked by my best friends and said bye to them. Finally things were back together between all of us. I walked by Maya and waved a good-bye.

She smiled at me and waved at both me and Lauren. We walked to my car and drove to my house. I got out of the car and went to the passenger side to open the door for Lauren. We walked up the steps and I opened the door to meet my mom heading out the door. 

"Hey mum" i said and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Hey Hazza" she said with a smile then turned to Lauren and greeted her with a fake smile.

The thing was, my mom didn't like Lauren. Well, it wasn't that she didn't like Lauren, she just didn't want me with anyone buy Maya. So she was mean to any girlfriend I had that wasn't Maya. "I put some sandwiches in the fridge if you guys want any!" she said and with that she rushed out the door. 

Lauren went into the living room and I got the sandwiches from the fridge. We talked for a bit then decided to watch old seasons of Big Brother since it was her favorite show.

After a while, we both fell asleep finding comfort in each others arms.


**Maya's P.O.V**

I walked into a classroom in the school. The principal announced that everybody in our grade should come in here after second period so here I am. I looked around for Keira, Layla and Kayla and found them in the corner of the room.

They finally looked over at me and i signaled for them to come to where i was. "So what do you think this is all about?" Kayla was the first to talk. "I don't know but it better be something about those ugly things we call our lockers." i smirked. Kayla and Keira giggled.

Finally, our principle and vice-principle walked into the room and after a few minutes everyone was quiet.

"well, i called you all here because your grade has done outstanding this year." he said with a smile.

"This has been the best set of student we have EVER had at his school. Not only are your grades good but also your behaviour!" he stated.

"So, we decided to reward you all" the vice-principle said happily.

"YOUR ALL GOING TO HAWAII!" they said in unison. Everyone looked around at each other in shock and excitement.

"NO WAY!" Lauren yelled.

"You will all be going to Hawaii for two weeks as a class. Mr.Fitz and his wife have volunteered to go with you guys. You will be leaving next week Friday!" the principle said.

I looked over at Harry and he mouthed "oh my gosh!"

"i know! i cant wait" i mouthed back.

"me too" he mouthed with a wink.

My heart fluttered.


hoped you LURVED the chapter <33

I'm kinda liking Hauren :$




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