"Lucia, run and don't look back!"
"But what about you?"
"I'll hold them back you just run."
"But we can both escape if yo-..."
"Lucia. I want you to run now, I will find you don't worry about anything I'll take care of it all."
"I swear if you don't make it I'll never forgive you!"
"That's a deal, and Lucia?"
"I love you."
"I love you too bones."
"Open the door, we know your in there!" The officer yelled from the other side of the oak door.
"You didn't say the magic words!" The boy yelled back developing a grin on his face.
"Games are over child, you need to pay for what you've done." The officer nodded to two of his colleagues and made room for them to break the door down.
"I'll give you till the count of three." He raised his hand symbolizing his count.
"Three, Two, One!" The officer yelled giving the two waiting men their cue. The door fell over surprisingly easily shooting a fog of dust up from the old abandoned house. Rays of lights shined through the doorway and in came six officers all with pistols drawn and flashlights searching.The boy took a deep breath in as he quietly hid in the darkest shadow in the room he could find. He pulled the bloody knife from his hoody pocket and readied himself for his possible death. He gripped the handle tightly and grit his jagged teeth waiting for the right time to pounce.
"Check in the other rooms. Don't forget he's crafty so anywhere that doesn't seem like a hiding check it anyways." The officers nodded and spread out to cover more ground.
One of the officers drew near Bones but didn't see him in the dark after he put his hood up. Bones readied the knife and slowly approached the officer from behind but had to retreat as soon as another officer showed up.
"Any luck?" the slightly chubbier officer asked his friend but receiving a quiet head shake.
Bones seeing an opportunity silently rushed at the two officers and covered the chubby ones mouth while the skinny officer wasn't paying attention and ran his knife through the mans back, leaking blood onto his hand and knife. The skinny officer turned to watch his friend fall before him but was not able to save him or catch glimpse of the deadly assassin.
"Bordegar is down! I repeat Bordegar is down!" The officer yelled in panic. He searched the room desperately with his flashlight to see a mere glimpse of his fate. The officer held his throat as the blood rushed from it from the deep slash Bones inserted.
Bones smiled at his quick clean kill and carefully searched for the rest of the light beams. He gripped his knife as he rushed two other officers. He punched one across the face and swiftly kicked the other across the head knocking them in opposite directions of each other. He went for the one left of him and stabbed through the mans defending hand. Bones pulled his knife out of the officers hand and kicked him the face turning to a gun aimed at him.
"Turn around or I will open fire." The officer warned cocking his pistol. Bones smiled and quickly cut the officers face for a distraction and knocked the gun out of his hand giving him the chance to strike. Aiming for his stomach Bones stabbed the officer and drug the knife roughly through his stomach causing his intestines to fall out out of his body. The officer on the floor began screaming at the sight of his allies corpse falling the the floor in his own innards. Smiling wider Bones swung his blade smoothly slicing the screaming mans throat.
"Fall back!" The leading officer yelled to his two remaining men. They both rushed to get to their captain but Bones began to feel his blood crave taking over and chased one of the officers. He jumped on his back and began stabbing him repeatedly, pooling blood out of the mans back.
"Open fire!" The captain yelled pulling his handgun trying to shoot Bones. Bones dodged both bullets and ran up the stairs with the last officer on his heels. Bones turned around and booted the officer back down giving him some breathing room. Bones rushed in a room and slammed the door shut running over to the wall and started to pry a fire axe he used earlier that day. The door opened with a loud thud against the wall but he was unable to make a word as the axe was thrown into his chest causing a loud crack. The officer dropped to his knees in pain and his vision blurred as he could see a blurry shape coming towards him. Bones tore the axe out of his foes chest and struck him in the side of the neck slightly beheading him.
"Its just you and me chief!" Bones yelled craving more bloodshed as he left the corpse he had created to pool blood. He walked down the stairs and round the corner barely missing a bullet to the head.
"Come on you little basterd! I'm ready for you!" The officer yelled aiming his gun. Bones quickly went around the corner and threw the axe hitting the officer in the shoulder and knocked him over. Smiling at his accomplishment he walked over to his downed target and pulled his knife.
The officer screamed in pain and desperately crawled to get away but couldn't the moon light shined through the windows revealing his assailants bright blue eyes and white hair.
"Why are you doing this?" The officer asked hoping to get some answers. The boy approached him dramatically pulling his blood drowned knife.
"I do this to protect." Bones smiled and cut the officer down leaving a giant blood pouring gash.
"They are all gone Lucia now I just have to find you." He dipped his knife back in his hoody and went out the back room window to find the girl he protects in the cold night.
(Hey guys soulless here I decided that the vision so different was getting a little dry and decided I'm gonna write another story so you guys have variety I'm gonna try to make this an interesting story if I can I hope you like this update im practically killing myself to do this XD but hey I do it for you please follow, vote, comment if you enjoyed and tell me what you think love ya guys see you soon and keep smiling everyone :)