.:Chapter 7:.

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"Well, this sure is interesting.." David mumbled, glancing back and forth between his brother and the stranger. The new masked man stared aghast at Jonathan, with slightly widened eyes through his own white porcelain mask. He lifted his hand and scratched the back of his head, right when Jonathan moved to do the same. They just stared at each other, stiff as statues.
"Um, well, I'm Ulvakei. This is my brother, Hikei." David held out his hand to shake the others', but the stranger cautiously stepped back to avoid the interaction. "..I don't bite if that's what you're concerned about."
"I- yes, I know- uh," he turned his head away and swallowed. Why is he freezing up all of a sudden?
"What's your name?" David inquired. The man looked at the ground and mumbled something. "I'm sorry, what was that?" David chuckled, taking a cautious step forward. The man mumbled again, still staring at the ground. David looked back at Jonathan, who shrugged, then sighed deeply and stepped back.
"Alright.." David clapped his hands together as a signal to end the engagement. "It was nice to meet you! I guess we will let you and your monkey be!"
David retreated back to Jonathan, quickly grabbing him by the arm and dragging him away. However, Jonathan could not stop staring at the man. The man stared back. There was something off about him, obviously. But something that Jonathan felt he understood.
Why did he wear a mask? Was it for the same reason as Jonathan? Who was he? Where did he come from?
As they descended over the hillside, the last thing Jon saw of the other man was the figure spinning around in surprise. He jogged hastily over to another cloaked figure that neither of them noticed to be there.

"It was so weird, David! I feel like there was some sort of connection when I saw him!" Jonathan grabbed at his hair as he paced the empty campgrounds. At the moment, most of the remaining warriors remained in the city for better shelter and rest, leaving Jonathan and David to clean up the extra supplies left behind.
"Maybe it was because you both wore masks?" David wondered aloud as he packed items into a large camouflage-colored military bag. "Seems like a pretty big similarity right there."
"No, it was more than that. I don't know what- damnit, I wish I asked for his name!"
"Uh, excuse me, but my already attempted efforts got us absolutely nowhere, no thanks to you."
"Ugh, damnit! I could have pushed it out of him if I didn't freeze up! I really want to go find him and talk to him again-" he halted abruptly, "actually, you know what, I'm going to do just that!" He jogged a few feet away before David's vexed growl halted him.
"Jonathan, will you stop making so many half-witted decisions and hang on a second?!" The smaller of the two spun on his toes and raised an eyebrow at the agitated warrior. "Did you forget everything that happened this morning? It's sundown, we have to meet with everyone at the beach right now! And we haven't even decided if we want to join Tyler and the rest!"
Jonathan pulled at his face beneath his mask, groaning loud and long. David was right, unfortunately- he was certain joining them would not be among the happiest of decisions, especially after the story Marcel lay on the table. If what he claimed were the truth, that would mean the next time he saw Evan, it could very well be on the battlefield. Would he rather never see Evan again, or be forced to kill him? He shivered at the thought.
"I know, I know- what do you think we should do?" He rubbed his fingers over his eyes to clear the fog in his head.
David pondered a moment. "Well, I'm not the only one making this decision- but in my opinion, I think if we do end up pledging ourselves to this 'rebellion', death and possibly torture is something that has to be taken into consideration. Not just our own deaths, but of our friends. There are many things we will see that we wish we hadn't, and we can avoid it if we decide not to go." After many moments of hesitation, he walked over to Jonathan and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I.. I also believe there will be good out of it." He continued. "Being able to grow with our friends again, this time fighting for what we know is right. Traveling the world, seeing so much more than we even knew existed, and doing it alongside people we care about." He smiled slightly. "I personally would like to return home- to the place I called my home, in the Southern Water tribe, but you mean more to me than any place ever could, and I want to stay with you as long as I can. So I want you to know that whatever you decide, I'll be right behind you, kicking your whiney ass around and getting you out of trouble- like always." He giggled with a toothy grin, and Jon threw a light punch to his chest.
"You have no idea how much that means to me, David. You've always been more family to me than anyone I've ever known, and I'll always love you like my brother." Jonathan yanked him into a tight and endearing embrace.

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