.:Chapter 32:.

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"The Avatar is our greatest concern! Unless you plan on assisting in the search, we want nothing to do with you or your outrageous mind games!" One of the six elder monks, whom all sat elegantly on woven blankets, threatened harshly to those before them.
"There is no proof that the Fire Lord would attempt an attack on us! Anybody without a guide has no way of finding an air temple! It is a basic and well known fact!" Another stated.
On a wooden plank just barely above the ground, the six elders sat side by side with hands tucked deeply in their sleeves. An elder on the far left arrogantly scoffed, "Sozin may be an impulsive, ambitious man, but not even he would try something so half-witted. He'd be asking for nothing but war from all other nations!"
Tyler, Smitty, and Lui kept their heads bowed with respect. Tyler grit his teeth, trying carefully to show the urgency in his tone. "You don't understand, this is exactly what he wants! You know what he's already accomplished! He didn't hesitate to murder and tear families apart! He'll do it again! These heartless bastards are the cause of Arlan's death, according to Lui's vision! They took his bison and plan on using her to find the temple-"
          "Preposterous!" One of them spat. "Even if they had a bison guide, they would need thousands of them to carry an army up here! Do you even hear yourselves? Your words are ludicrous!"
          Tyler bit his lip as the monks barraged them with insults. They bore looks of betrayal and disgust, mostly at Lui, while muttering hurtful comments under their breaths.
          "Is this how you will repay us for taking you in? We raised you better than this, Lui! You cannot use our brother Arlan's passing as an excuse to act childishly!"
          "You do not deserve those tattoos if you would rather side with traitors than with the Avatar and with your family!"
          Poor Lui was shivering like a kicked puppy. The more they argued, the lower Lui sank to the ground. Smitty watched him with sympathy, until he finally decided enough was enough. "We don't know how Sozin will get an army up to the temple, but nothing will stop him from trying whatever he can! Please, if not Lui's or Tyler's words, listen to mine! The spirits of the North have spoken to both myself and Chief Tenkuo! He was planning on arranging soldiers to be sent up to fight-"
          "By the permission of who?!" The center monk ripped his hands out of his sleeves. "None of us agreed to have anyone enter the temple in the Avatar's absence! You all were the exception for the sake of being close with Brother Arlan!"
          Smitty bowed his head once more. There was nothing he could say that wouldn't cause further damage to the situation. They remained in silence as five of the six elders bickered relentlessly.
          "Monk Gyatso?" One of them peered down the line at the very end, towards the only monk who hadn't spoken a word this entire time. "What do you think?"
Gyatso's ancient eyes pooled with distracted grief. At the sound of his name, he finally gave them his distracted attention. "I believe.. the Avatar should always be our main concern, whatever the outcome of today." With these words, Gyatso rose to his feet, shuffling slowly towards the door. The other monks shared looks of worry for their friend.
The center monk cleared his throat and sat up straight. "Your actions have only stressed our people further than they already are. It is time for you to gather your belongings and leave our temple. If you are not gone by midday, we will not hesitate to use force."
Tyler's eyes widened. "We can't-!"
"Monk Pasang, please at least allow us to remain until the end of the comet." Lui jumped in and faced the elder assertively. He narrowed his eyes as Lui continued. "Even if our predictions prove to be false, I just want to ensure the safety of my people."
Pasang took a quick breath, only to be cut off by Gyatso as he exit the room. "It would ultimately be most wise to let them stay, Pasang. Only time can tell today's story." Then he left them all in silence.
Pasang sighed once more. "Very well. You are permitted to stay, but only in the comforts of your rooms. When the comet disappears, so will you."

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