.:Chapter 26:.

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          The late afternoon sun lay blurred by dark clouds above the mountains. The small village layered with fresh snow hushed quiet in its time of mourn. The few soldiers that came home the next dawn were greeted with tears of joy and desperate embraces. Grievously, those left alone on their porches, seeking their loved ones as they returned, dragged their feet through town and sobbed their brokenness into the sky or into the arms of others. Many children sat alone, hopeless and in grief for a parent or relative. Widows and widowers with ghostly stares watched through their curtains, hoping, praying this was all a terrible dream.
Marcel opened his arms to embrace Simone as she ran, uncontrollably crying, towards him that morning. He wanted to feel relieved, or feel anything for that matter, but he just couldn't. He walked with her back to her house with no spoken words.
          Luke walked beside Craig in an attempt to find comfort, as they normally did during residence in the Fire Nation, but for some reason Craig paid him no attention. He walked ahead of Luke to the center of town, lost in his thoughts. It wasn't until a kind woman offered them a couple of spare beds in her home that he spoke any words.
          Lui and Jonathan walked beside David, who blearily sat hunched over on the back of an ostrich horse. The journey home weakened the water bender far past his limit, to the point of near collapse. As a result, they placed him on one of the few remaining horses.
Lui was about to run off to find help when another soldier approached, stating that David had saved his life in the battle by healing his injuries, and he would be honored to house David and anyone else who had nowhere to stay. Lui took the offer and helped David to the home, while Jonathan stayed to make sure Evan and the others had someplace to go.

          "If she's staying with you, I'd prefer her to stay out of the town for now. Nobody needs anymore trauma." Tyler spoke low to Evan on the outskirts of the village, glancing up at the magnificent scarlet snake. Evan nodded in understanding, and watched him slump away. The way Tyler carried himself made him worry. The normal 'know it all' seemed to be at a complete loss with utter hopelessness.
Tyler climbed the dirt path to their house on the hill, vaguely aware of Brock and Brian trailing behind, unsure if speaking to him would be the wisest option. They followed him inside and closed the door behind them. And there was no sight of any of them for the rest of the day.

"You should go get some rest." Evan watched Jonathan sway sleepily on his feet. The two stood on the other side of the hill, out of sight of the town, preparing a comfortable place for the dragon as she appeared to be in no rush to leave. Her long body coiled in a double circle, her head resting on her large talons.
Jonathan shook his head. "I'm fine. I want to make sure you have somewhere to sleep today." He paused. "..I know there are quite a few empty beds right now. So we shouldn't have to worry." His head bowed and he slid a hand under his mask to rub his eyes.
Evan furrowed his eyebrows. "Jon, it's been a tough day for you, I understand. You look like you are gonna fall asleep standing up."
Jon chuckled. "I probably will. But it's been a tough day for all of us, you more so than I. You almost fucking died, man." They chuckled half-heartedly at each other, then silenced at the horrific truth of it. "How about we just finish up here quickly so we can both go back and get some rest."
"Alright." Evan brushed his bangs, now long enough to tickle his eyes, out of his face. Together they continued moving snow-covered bushes and stones to create a comfortable space for the god to stretch.
When all seemed to be done, the two turned to the main path. However, a low growl followed by a snort of hot air blew from behind them. The dragon's head was lifted, and she bore into their eyes a look of longing.
"Is she ok? What does she want?" Jon looked back and forth between the two.
Evan never broke her gaze, muttering, "She wants us to rest by her. She knows we are tired and she wants to protect us while we sleep."
Jon lifted an eyebrow. "You sure? 'Cause it kinda looks like she's very hungry and wants to eat me." He laughed but spoke sincerely. Evan smiled and grabbed his wrist, pulling him closer to her.
"I'm pretty sure it's what she's saying." He tugged him closer and the dragon shifted her head. Her whiskers fluttered out to them, wrapping around Evan's hand, then Jonathan's, leading them to the grass by her claws. Jonathan fidgeted, but the dragon's gentleness eased him into trust. They sat awkwardly side by side against her, and she lay her long neck on the ground around them, with her head resting just in reach.
"She really cares about us." Evan mumbled subconsciously, gazing with a soft admiration into her slowly closing eyes. "She wants us all to recover. And she wants us to be safe." He slid down and curled up in the grass, still pressed against her paw.
"..Are you ok? You're acting really weird." Jonathan slid down next to him. They could feel one another's long, quiet breaths.
"Heh, ya. Don't listen to me, I'm just really tired."
"I can tell." Jonathan smiled and sighed, closing his eyes.
          A long minute passed with nothing but the sounds of slow breathing and the breeze rustling the grass around them.
          "How long do you think she's gonna stay with us?" Evan opened his eyes at Jonathan's question. He shifted onto his side so he could face him.
          "It's up to her, I guess, but I'm pretty sure the only reason she's still here is because we're all very tired; and I don't think Tyler wants her to stay in the village, for the sake of those who are grieving." Jonathan nodded to him, closing his eyes and listening to Evan's voice. "My assumption is that she'll most likely go home when we've rested up a bit." His eyes drifted over to where she slept soundly.
He sighed quietly. None of them would have made it out alive if not for her. She was the one who killed Togek, not Evan, nor Tyler. If she left them now, in their greatest time of vulnerability, he couldn't be sure they would win the next battle. Somehow he just had to convince her to stay, and then Tyler to let her remain near the village.

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