.:Chapter 19:.

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(AN: I realize some people forgot who Togek is, so I recommend going back and rereading chapters 2 and 7)

A tiny driblet of water landed softly on Evan's cheek. The cloud they ascended into as they climbed the mountain had shrouded them in a light, moist fog. The soldiers were battered and worn, exhausted from the day's nonstop incline, just waiting and praying for an easy downward slope.
He sighed into the silence, breathing in the chilly scents of an upcoming rainfall, determined in continuing his trek on the muddy path. His feet ached and his ears pained from the change in elevation and temperature. He glanced back at the two Water Benders behind him, then to the rest in front. They all looked absolutely miserable.
"I swear if it starts to rain, I'm gonna strangle somebody." Marcel growled with a huff. A couple others grumbled in response.
"Save it for the Fire Nation, Marcel."Tyler shivered and glanced up into the sky. "Unfortunately, rain is exactly what's about to roll in; maybe even snow. Looks like there's going to be plenty of it, too."
Brian groaned. "Well that's just fantastic, isn't it? Not only do we get to keep moving at an unforgivable incline, but we get to slide around like a bunch of miserable otter penguins as the rains wash us right off the side of the mountain!"
Lui snorted and a couple others joined in laughter. Brian struggled to keep a straight face, but his accent made it all the more amusing. "Shut up! I'm not trying to be funny right now!"
"Ya, but it's not like your sarcastic old-man screams will help stop the weather." Brock snickered and elbowed his companion playfully.
"Who are you calling an 'old man'?!"
They continued to laugh playfully. It was perfect, that despite the unappreciated weather, his friends were able to keep the smiles on their faces. Evan couldn't help but smile along with them. Then, he turned his head the moment he heard David's hushed voice of concern.
"Hey, are you okay?"
His eyes swept back to the brothers. David's hand rested on Jonathan's shoulder and he watched with worry. Jonathan looked up from staring at the ground, and smiled under the porcelain.
"Ya, I'm fine."
Now, Evan wasn't the most attentive person when it came to emotions and secrets, but the look in Jonathan's eyes made Evan believe he had betrayed his words. As he looked up at David, there was a fake reassurance. When he stared back at the ground, they tore it apart like a nervous wreck. He was definitely hiding something, which made Evan worry as well. David seemed to notice this as well, but he respectfully turned away, keeping his protective hand on Jon's shoulder.
Soon enough, the harmonious drizzle transformed into a roaring downpour. Thunder boomed above them from the charcoal clouds. The slope became a slippery mess of mud as the water traveled down.
"Tyler, we should try to find shelter!" Brian cried through the lashing wind.
"Just keep moving! We'll find a place to stay when we reach the rocks up there!" The Earth bender shielded his eyes and pointed up the cliff. The large stones surrounded the trees and rested comfortably on top of one another, hopefully creating some caves to hide in. "Just stick together and don't slip! This path should lead us up there eventually!" The squad shared uneasy expressions, but were determined to follow command, and together, they pushed through the chaos.
All of a sudden, a flash of light illuminated the sky in the blink of an eye. The wind howled even more violently, thunder obliterated any other noise, and the lightning grew ever so close to their place on the high mountain. Evan's heart skipped a beat each time the bright flashes of light lit up the terrified faces of his comrades. They struggled to climb the treacherous slope, often fumbling over their own feet, slipping and sliding, needing to be caught by someone behind them.
He looked back to check on the water benders, and his chest constricted. They were no longer there! "Wait! Jonathan and David fell behind!" Evan called up to anyone who could hear him. Unfortunately, no one did, and they continued up the path without looking back. "Wait!" He cried again, but to no avail. He took a step up. Maybe he should get them to stop and wait; but what if the brothers are in trouble and need help this very minute!? He looked back down the path. They couldn't be too far...
He scowled with courage, and bravely left the group behind to find the stragglers. Vaguely, he thought he heard Lui's voice call after him, but he decided to ignore it. His feet glided down the mud with ease, only losing his balance once or twice, and made sure to keep to the side of the mountain so he didn't fall off the side and down the steep cliff. As he came to the turn in the path, his foot slid out from under him. He fell on his back with a 'SPLOSH' and drifted dangerously close to the edge.
"Shit, oh gosh, stop- stop!" He flailed his arms and was barely able to catch hold of a tree root protruding through the ground. For a moment his legs hung off the edge, with the strength of his hands on the root being the only thing keeping him from slipping to his demise. Briefly, he looked down at the raging river only a couple meters or so down the cliff. It taunted him and threatened to swallow him whole, never letting him see the light of day again. "Not today, bitch-" He groaned, heaving himself back onto the mushy ground. After a couple of reassuring heavy  breaths, he climbed to his feet and kept moving down.
"Jonathan! David! Where are you?!" His calls were almost completely covered by the storm. He continued to shout, desperate for any answer at all.
"...Tyler! Wait!"
Oh thank goodness! That was David's voice! "David, where are you? Is Jonathan alright?"
...No answer. "Guys! Where are you?! Answer me!"
Another dizzying burst of lightning highlighted the scene before him. David was sitting a few feet away with his back pressed against the mountain side, cradling his petrified brother as he leaned into his chest. Jonathan's hands were over his ears and his eyes were closed tightly. The two were covered in mud and drenched to the bone. "Where's Tyler?!" He hollered through the rain.
"He went up the path, I couldn't get his attention so I came back to find you! ..What's wrong with him?!" Evan ran up and knelt beside them. Jonathan did not acknowledge his presence at all, but David looked up with a pitiful frown.
"I kind of suspected something like this would happen, but I didn't think it would be this bad.." David ran a shaky hand through Jon's hair.
Huh? "What? What happened?!"
"For Rava's sake man, it should be pretty obvious, I would think!!" David snarled. Evan only stared back.
"Obvious? ..Oh! Duh!!" He smacked his forehead. Of course, Jonathan must have a fear of thunder and lightning because of the incident on Unity Island! How could he have forgotten!
"There ya go, Mr. Detective. It's not exactly a science you have to figure out." David sighed, then softened his eyes as he looked down at his brother. "It only ever happened a couple of times back in the South Pole... but it wasn't nearly this bad, and even then, it was only thunder, which he can handle most of the time. It's the quick flashing and the lightning bolts that scare him the most. It completely shuts him down and there's nothing I can really do until the storm subsides. I just need to be here at his side to let him know that he isn't alone."
Evan slowly nodded, watching sympathetically as David pulled Jonathan closer. He studied Jonathan as he melted into his brother's careful arms, as he would whisper gentle words of encouragement, as his shaking would lessen when David rubbed circles in his back and massaged his shoulder. "You're a really good friend, David. It's amazing how close you two are, and how much trust you two have for each other."
David looked up at him, but Evan only stared at Jonathan as he continued. "You two are always together, always protecting and looking out for one another. Nobody would have guessed if you were not blood related, and even if they did, the idea always goes away really fast." He chuckled lightly, and shifted his body to sit on the other side of David. "I knew you always had a soft spot for people. Some of us can be hard-headed and careless about how we treat others, but you've always been so quick to be at someone's side when they hurt. Not only can you heal physical wounds with your bending, but your heart and generosity alone can help heal the most broken of hearts." Well, that came out of nowhere.
David's mouth opened then closed slowly, unsure of how to respond. "I... uh, thank you, I guess. I didn't think it was all that special, in fact being the softy that I am is one of my biggest weak points. If Jonathan were to be in danger or get killed, I'd probably lose my shit real fast. I could put the whole group in danger because I care for him so much..." He looked down sadly. "I know it's probably not healthy either, to love a single person as much as I do, but all of our days in the South Pole, we only had each other. Well, I know we had our adopted father and a few animals, but we formed a bond that I know is unbreakable, and will last a lifetime; longer than a lifetime. Even if one of us were to die, we would be brothers again in the next world. And we both know it."
"Heheh, I know it, too." Evan shivered, looking up to the clouds with a small smile. Maybe one day, he will have someone to love as much as David loves Jonathan, or as much as the three earth benders to each other, or as much the airbenders love their bison. Or each other. And maybe, just maybe, he will find someone to love in the way his parents loved each other. That is, if someone were willing to forgive him of the pain he inflicted, and see past all the deaths he caused.
The lightning flashed again. Jonathan squeaked faintly and his breathing quickened once more. "I can't- I can't- David, I can't-! It's too much, I can't get it out of my head, it's so loud, it hurts, I just can't!!" He spoke a hundred miles an hour. David squeezed him harder, while acting a little paranoid himself.
"It's alright Jonathan, stay calm, I got you. It'll all be over soon I promise-" Suddenly, the ground rumbled underneath them.
Evan leaned over to see what was going on when he felt some slimy mud tumble onto his back. He turned to look up the cliff side and gasped. "Guys, we have to go right now!!" He leapt towards them and yanked the two to their feet.
"What the hell, Evan! Be careful, Jonathan is-"
"RUN!!" He grabbed one of Jonathan's arms and one of David's, and tore up the trail. Moments later, a massive mudslide engulfed the space they sat mere seconds ago. More mud was wiped down the mountain, threatening to cut them off ahead, but the adrenaline kept them on their toes, and they managed to get ahead of it in the nick of time.
More lightning blazed through the sky, seemingly only a couple of feet over their heads. The moment it struck down nearby, Jonathan ripped his arm out of Evan's grip. His wide eyes shut once more, arms crossing over his mask, and he blindly came to an uncontrolled halt by slamming into the side of the mountain. His legs gave up and he fell into the damp grass, sobbing out the panic attack.
"Jonathan, please! We have to keep going, or we'll be buried in the mud!" Evan raced back to Jonathan's shivering and twitching body.
"I can't! I can't see anything! I-It's flashing so much! It all hurts so badly!! I hear voices! I can't, Evan, I can't!" He screamed as another bolt of light was accompanied by a wave of ear-shattering noise.
"No, Jonathan, you're wrong! You CAN!" Evan leaned down and picked him up again. Immediately, Jon clung to his chest and sobbed incoherently. "You just need to trust us to help you get there! You aren't alone, David was here with you the whole time, and now I'm here, too!"He reached down, tilting Jonathan's chin up to meet eyes through the pesky mask of his. "We will never leave you to handle this by yourself, just trust us, and we will get you out of here safely!"
He stared up at Evan. For a moment, it looked like his eyes began to show a sign of relaxation, but when the thunder rolled once more, he curled in on himself into Evan's chest. "I-I-I'm sorry, I just- I'm so scared, I w-want to be b-brave b-but I can't-"
"Yes you can, and you will!" Evan swore. Right then, he let go of Jonathan and fumbled with a piece of fabric on his shirt. With one strong pull, a long strip tore off along the bottom. He confidently held it up for Jon to see, then rested a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Jonathan, do you trust us to get you out safely?"
"I.. what...?" He shivered.
"Evan-" David tried to step in, but Evan interrupted before he got the chance.
"Do you trust us, Jonathan?" He repeated, raising his voice high above the wind. Jonathan shook and tried to bring his hands to cover his mask again, but Evan's other hand quickly rested on top of them. "Jonathan?"
"I..." He hiccuped. The lightning flashed again. He jumped, but kept his eyes locked with Evans. Then, with the salty tears still flowing from his eyes, he barely spoke up to answer, "Yes, I trust you!"
A small smile appeared on Evan's lips. "Good. Leave it to us, and don't worry." He lifted the piece of fabric up once more, placing it over Jon's eyes and mask and securely tied it. "Just relax. Close your eyes under the blindfold and hold on to my hands. David, I want you to walk behind Jon, cover his ears, and encourage him on. Also, help me catch him if he slips. He is putting all his faith in us and I don't plan on letting him down." He took Jonathan's cold hands in his own and began to walk backwards up the path.
With no hesitation, David stepped behind Jon and stayed closely to him. "There we go, just keep walking. Don't worry about anything right now, just focus on moving your feet. You're doing great."
Jonathan squeezed Evan's hands as tight as he could. The times he slipped, they were there to catch him. When he froze because he could hear the thunder or see a flash from beyond the blindfold, they would urge him on and continue to tell him of how strong he is. He felt an overwhelming feeling in his heart, one that had so much faith and love that it began to overpower the fear haunting his mind. He could do this, and they will be there to make sure he does!

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