Chapter 6: Rescue Mission

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Happy New Year!!!

Bree's P.O.V.

By now, every breath is a struggle. I would curl up in a ball and cry, but I can't move without crying in pain. More like whimpering since I can barely speak. I know I am going to die any minute. Suddenly, I hear footsteps.

"Spike?" I whimper out in fear.

"Bree? Baby girl?" I hear as the footsteps come closer.

"Daddy?" I cry out as pain shoots through my body and Adam and Davenport run in the cave.

"Are you okay?" Adam asks as he approaches me and Chase runs in.

"I'm dying. What do you think?" I say weakly.

Adam went to say something, but was interrupted by... Dad, "Where's your chip?"

"Up on that shelf." I say and Adam starts to get it.

"Oh no you don't!" I hear behind him and I cringe, then cry out in pain from the sudden movement.

"Adam. Pin him." Dad yells and I think Adam grabbed him, but I'm not sure because I slip into unconsciousness.

Donald's P.O.V.

Adam pins Spike to the ground and I look over at Bree. She has become unconscious, which means we don't have much time to save her. I look down at Spike.

"It's time for you to be deactivated... Forever." I say before hitting the button on the deactivator.

"What happened?" Chase asks as Adam lets him up.

"Spike." Adam replies, grabbing the chip off the stone shelf.

"Oh." Chase says quickly. Adam hands me Bree's chip and we go over to her. The boys lightly roll her onto her side and I insert her chip. They lay her back down quickly but gently. Her back arches and then goes limp, signaling that her chip went in properly.

"Adam, carry Bree" I say and he picks her up bridal style. The way she looks makes me want to break into tears. Her whole body is covered in bruises. Her pajamas are shredded and she is as pale as a ghost. Her hair is matted and if you don't look closely, it looks like she's not breathing.

"Leo, bring us back." I say into the communicator in my ear.

"Okay." I hear from him in a way that tells me he's been crying.

The air around us begins to shimmer as we are teleported out of the cave.

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