Chapter 10: We Blow Stuff Up

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I am done of exams! Woo!

Adam's P.O.V.

Bah. I am the only sane bionic one now. Bree is still asleep from her nap yesterday. Chase is miserable. And yes I know what that means.

I am playing 'Zombie Slayer Extreme 4' with Leo, when Bree comes upstairs. She doesn't look sick anymore.

"What are you dweebs doing?" She asks, and she has her usual hip.

"Gaming. Want to join?" Leo answers, as if he gets called a dweeb everyday.

"No. I'm going shopping with Tasha today." She replies. I forgot that in a week she is going to be fat.

"Alright bye. Bring me back a doughnut." I say and watch her walk away.

Bree's P.O.V.

I am 3 days pregnant. That is about 40 days to a regular girl. I am in the lab reading a magazine and waiting for Tasha when the alarm goes off. Mr. Davenport and Chase come down, followed by Adam and Leo. when I stand up, I have to grip the table to keep myself from freaking out.

"What is it?" Chase asks, and I have to look away.

"There is a group of kids trapped on a school bus that has been overturned. you have to save them before the bus sparks and explodes." Davenport says as he programs the coordinates into our chips.

Once we are in our mission suits, which bring bad memories, I grab Adam and Chase and speed to the coordinates. When we get there, the school bus is leaking and almost in water. If it touches the water, it'll blow. Adam lifts the bus, while Chase and I slip inside.

"Calm down everyone." I say and heard them out.

"Here." Chase says and passes the driver the keys to the new bus.

As everyone gets out of the bus, Adam loses his grip and we get trapped inside.

"Bree! Chase!" Are you okay?" He yells from outside.

"Yea, we're fine, just we need to get out. Now!" Chase replies.

"Any ideas?" I ask

"Yea, but it will require perfect timing."

"Ok. What?"

"We open the back door and then use your super speed to jump out the door."


"Now!" He says and we jump.

The momentum of my speed knocked the bus all the way over. The bus blows up. Luckily, the kids are already gone so no one gets hurt. Then we speed home.

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