Chapter 17: The Name for a Surprise

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The only chapter after this is the epilogue but I'll post the second book's first chapter next week too. It's called 'Protect My Girl'. Enjoy!

Five Days Later...

Chase's P.O.V.

"You're beautiful baby from the outside in.
Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again.
Go on, take on this whole world.
But to me you know you'll always be, my little girl." I sing to Bree's stomach while she giggles.

"Ok, what is so funny?" I ask.


"More specific."

"When you're singing, the baby kicks like crazy."

"Oh. Why don't you try?"

"I can't."

"Come on."

Baby mine, don't you cry.
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
Rest your head close to my heart,
never to part,
baby of mine.

Little one when you play,
don't you mind what they say.
Let those eyes sparkle and shine,
never a tear,
baby of mine." Bree sings and then giggles.

"I guess she likes your singing too." I say and feel Bree's belly as the baby kicks.

"I just can't believe that I'm 19 days."

"I can't believe that the baby's gonna be here in two days."

"Wow... I didn't even think of that... I still haven't decided on a name yet."

"Why don't we have a family meeting to help you to decide."

"You mean us. She's your daughter too."

"I know." I say, "I'm gonna go get everyone."

And with that, I go upstairs.


Leo's P.O.V.

Chase just finished gathering us in the living room. What could be so important? I was trying to beat his Galaxy Gremlins score.

"Okay." Bree says, coming out of the elevator, "You guys have to help me decide what to name the baby."

"Options?" I ask.

"Samantha Lee, Amy Lynn, Sofia Raquel, Drea Michelle or Darcy Alison." Bree replies.

"Well... I like Samantha." I say.

"I like Drea and Darcy." Big D says.

"That better not be just so she can be Subject D." Bree says to Big D.

"You know what? I withdraw my opinion." He answers.

"Ok... I still think we should call the baby Bump. But if I have to choose, I choose Sam." Adam says.

"I like Sofia to be honest." Chase says as he puts his arm around Bree, who is now leaning against the counter.

"Me too." Mom says.

"I like all of them so I don't know." Bree says and sits down on the couch.

"Well, you get to decide." I say and look at her.

"I'm gonna name her Sofia Raquel." Bree says confidently and puts her hand on her stomach.

"I think she's agreeing." Chase says.

"Alright. Now that that is settled, I'm going to make supper." Mom says and goes to start supper.

After supper...

Bree's P.O.V.

I'm in the lab alone when pain shoots through my body. 'Oh well. My back's sore.' I think. Then I feel wetness.

'I can't be having this baby yet.' I think. But my water just broke. This is happening.

"Eddy." I say, trying to keep my voice calm and he appears.

"What?" He asks.

"Tell Dad and Tasha that my water broke." I say.

"Fiiinne." Eddy answers and disappears.


Donald's P.O.V.

"So if you have 2 Chases-" I say, trying to teach Adam math.

"You can't have two Chases." Adam interrupts.

"You can if you have a Cloner." Chase says.

"True." Adam says.

"Anyway... If you want to clone the two Chases four times, how many Chases will you have?" I ask.

"One." Adam replies.

"Why do you say one?" Tasha asks as she pours a glass of juice.

"Because I broke the Cloner, so we can't clone Chase." He answers and I glare.

"But if it wasn't broken..." I say.

"2... 5... 14..." Adam mutters.

"Heeeyyyy, everyone!"" Eddy yells.

"What do you want?" I say, "I'm busy."

"I have a message for you!"


"Ask nicely."

"Eddy, please tell me what the message is."

"Say I'm your best friend."


"Fine. Bree said something about broken water." Eddy says.

"What! Bree's in labor?" I exclaim and we all run into the elevator.

Back to Bree.

"Ugh god!" I mumble as another wave of pain goes through my body. I'm on the floor now because when I tried to get up, I slipped. I don't want to attempt to get up again, so I'm just sitting on the floor, back to the counter. I'm weak, just like I was three weeks ago. Then the elevator doors open.

"Bree?" Dad yells.

"Down here!" I scream as I get hit with pain again.

"Are you alright?" Adam asks as he picks me up and puts me on the lab table.

Yeah, but this baby is coming. Now!" I say with emphasis.

"Then lets have a baby." Chase says and holds my hand.

Three Hours Later...

Chase's P.O.V.

The whole time, Mr. Davenport said, "Ew ew ew ew ew." and trust me, the past three hours haven't been fun. My hand is numb from being squeezed so hard by Bree.

"Let me have my baby." Bree says, laying on a bed Adam brought from upstairs.

"Fine." Mr. Davenport says and hands Sofia to Bree.

"Hi Sofia." Bree says and she coos in response. (I know regular babies don't coo or move very much when they're first born, but this is a bionic baby we're talking about.)

"Hi Sofie." I say in baby talk and tickle her belly.


"Yea. What do think? As a nickname for her."

"Cute. Do you want to hold her?" Bree asks.

"Ye- yea. Sure." I answer and Bree hands her to me.

I feel like I'm on Cloud 9.

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