Chapter 14: Glitches and Rescues

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Three Days Later

Chapter 14: Glitches and Rescues

Bree's P.O.V.

I am getting my half way point ultrasound today. I'm 11 days pregnant. I'm laying on the table in the lab because Mr. Davenport is doing it. I can't get it done at the hospital because they might see the baby's chip. We don't know how, but the baby has a bionic chip. The baby's bionic. Adam, Leo and Chase are down here watching. Tasha would be too, but she's gone to Australia for a business trip. Mr. Davenport puts the gel on my stomach and I shiver. I can't see the monitor, but I know they can see the baby when they gasp happily.

"It's Bump!" Adam yells.

"We are not calling the baby Bump!" I yell at him.

"Well, you're not." Adam grumbles.

"Neither are you." Mr. Davenport replies.

"Let me see." I say.

He moves the monitor and I see the little baby. I immediately tear up. Mr. Davenport watches me. I smile at him and he moves the wand for the machine. He moves the wand off my belly and wipes the gel off.

"I can tell you what the baby's gender is." He says and I stare at him.

"Really?" I ask.


"Tell us." Adam and Leo say.

"That's up to Bree." He says and looks at me expectantly.

"Give me a minute with Chase." I respond as I pull down my lavender shirt.

When they leave, Chase hugs me.

"It's up to you." He says.

"I don't know."

"Well, we still have to do up the nursery."

"You're right."

"So, do you want to know?"

"Yes." I say and Chase calls them back in.

I nod my head and Mr. Davenport goes over to the computer. He opens a file.

"The baby is..." He says.






























"a girl." He finishes.

I squeal and suddenly I'm upstairs. 'No. I can't glitch.' I think.

"You okay?" Adam asks when he finds me.

"Yea." I reply.

"Are you sure?"


"Alright." He says.

Then the alarm goes off. I grab Adam and speed down to the lab. Mr. Davenport is freaking out and Chase looks zoned out.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"One of my facilities collapsed." Mr. Davenport says.

"So, we'll clean it up." I say.

"First of all, you're not going..." He says.


"And Leo went there to pick up a sample. Leo is trapped."

"I can't go?"

"Bigger problems Bree."

"No, you can't make me stay."


"Fine." I say.

"Okay. Now help me snap Chase out of it." He replies.

I walk over to Chase and snap my fingers in front of him.

"What happened?" I ask.

"You guys all glitched at once. You sped off, Adam set my coat on fire and Chase became paralyzed." He answers.

"Oh. Chase. Chase." I say.

Then I smack him in the face. He blinks and stares at me.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"You glitched." I giggle.


"Go get your mission suit on."

"I got ya little bro." Adam says, grabs him, and throw him in his capsule.

Chase's figure flashes and he's in his industrial mission suit. Then, they run outside and jump on the helicopter to take them to the facility.

Chase's P.O.V.

When we get here, we immediately start clearing rubble. Adam uses his super strength and I use my molecular kine sis. When we clear the rubble off Leo, he doesn't seem happy.

"Give me your mic." Leo says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I need to talk to Big D."

"Okay..." I say and hand him my mic.

"I am NOT running errands for you anymore. And I'm telling my Mom!" Leo yells into it.

"Don't tell your mother, please?" I hear Mr. Davenport say.

"Too late. I already texted her." Leo says back.

Then I hear the phone ring through the mic. He answers it. I hear "DONALD!" This is going to be a long night.

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