Chapter 15: Girls Gone Glitches

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Two days later.

Tasha's P.O.V.

I'm standing in the nursery with Bree as she putting a pink stuffed bear on the shelf. She wanted to get a stuffed bear for the baby to finish off the room. She didn't want to be seen with a big stomach though, so she sped around the mall and told me what to buy. Now the room is done. It's a little square room that connects to the lab. We painted it a light yellow. The crib, well it's a capsule crib because Donald built it so that it's a crib, but there is glass domed over instead of bars, is in the corner opposite the door. There is a change table in the corner to the left of the crib and a rocking chair in the corner on the right. On the wall between the change table and the rocking chair, is the shelf that has a piggy bank and the bear Bree got her on it.

"There. All done." Bree says as she turns to look at me.

"Good. So what do you want to do this weekend?" I ask because it's just me and her. The boys are gone for their guy's weekend. They didn't think it was a good idea to go, but I convinced Donald. I want to spend some time with Bree before I become a grandmother.

"Why don't you jump off a cliff?" Eddy says, appearing on a screen in the lab. There's not one in the baby's room because, knowing Eddy, he'll pop on in the middle of the night and scare the baby, so I got Chase to disable it. Chase agreed.

"Eddy." I say. I wish Donald had of taken Eddy with them.

"Fine. I'll be nice. Just let me come in." He replies.

"No." Bree and I say together.

"Okay." Eddy says and turns himself off.

Bree suddenly looks down at her belly and giggles. She sits down on the rocking chair and I can tell the baby is kicking. She sets her hand on her belly and closes her eyes. I know she's going to be there for a while so I go upstairs to start lunch. I'm making tuna casserole when Eddy appears.

"Heey Tasha." He says.

"What do you want?"

"To be with Donnie, and not you."

"Good. So we're on the same page."

"You're no fun. Bye." He says and turns himself off.

Good. He left. And that's when I hear Bree begin to scream. I run down the emergency stairs to the lab. When I get in the nursery, Bree is still in the chair, but she's arching her back in pain and screaming.

"Is it the baby?" I ask as I help her stand up.

"Yes! Argh! I think ahh it's a glitch thoooooo." She screams loudly.

"What do I do?"

"Capsule. Call Mrrrr. Davenport." She screams.

I put her in her capsule and call Donald.

Tasha, Donald.


Donald? We have a problem.

What is it? Is Bree hurt?

She said the baby is glitching? Is that even possible?

I was afraid something like this was going to happen. Put her in her capsule.


Ok. Type this code on the control panel. 2A17GFKK27I094CL30. (Tasha types it in)

And that will fix it?

Temporarily. I'll have to come home and do the rest. Boys, we have to go home. (Sounds of complaining)

Ok. See you soon.

Alright. One more thing. Keep her in her capsule.

K. Bye.

Bye *Hangs up.

I hang up.

"Bree." I say into the intercom for her capsule.

"Yea?" She asks, not in pain anymore.

"You have to stay in your capsule. Donald will be home tonight to fix your glitch."

"Ok. Are we still going to do something together?"

"What can we do?"

"Baby names brainstorming?"

"Sure. I'll grab some paper." I say and get a pad of paper and a pen from Leo's mission specialist desk.

"Ok." I say once I sit back down, "How about Samantha Lee?"

"Cool. How about..."

And we went back and forth like this for a half hour. We ended up with:

-Samantha Lee

-Amy Lynn

-Sofia Raquel

-Drea Michelle

-Darcy Alison

We came up with other names, but those were the 5 Bree narrowed it down to. I was happy. I had time with Bree. Then, I look at the clock. The guys should be back by now. I hope they get back soon.

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