Chapter 11: Normality

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Chase's P.O.V.

"Did you guys just seriously blow up a bus?" Davenport asks as we entered the lab.

"It was going to blow up anyway. We just got out before it did." I reply, trying to get closer to Bree.

"Exactly, because Adam dropped the bus." She responds and then puts her head on my shoulder.

Even though our lives were in danger, this brought us together. Hopefully she forgives me now.

"So it was Adam's fault?" Davenport asks.

"Yes." All three of us say, and Bree and I look at him.

"What?" Adam says after a minute.

"Nothing." I reply quickly and Bree stares up at me.

"Okay, we're gonna go now." Bree says and grabs my arm.

We speed off at a stomach-turning speed. Suddenly, we are on the beach in a little cove that only we know about. The cliff blocks it from above and rocks block it from the sides. The only way to get here is through the water unless you can find the entrance, which we did. I don't know where she changed, but now she is wearing a two-piece light pink tankini. There is two towels on the sand and my favorite pair of dark blue swim shorts. Probably because I am still in my mission suit. I duck into an opening in the rocks and change. When I come back out, she's sitting on the purple towel, with her back to me and leaning back, balancing on her palms, watching the waves roll up on the beach.

"Hey, why did you bring us here?" I ask her, sitting down on the green towel next to her.

"I needed to get away and to talk to you." She replies and smiles at me.

"Alright then..." I say. Now I'm scared she's gonna drown me.

"I just want to tell you I don't I don't blame you, and I'm gonna try to make things go back to normal." She says, and starts to stand up.

"Ok, then. If things are going back to normal, you're going in the ocean!" I respond, knock her over, and carry her towards the water.

"Chase! No!" She shrieked and laughed.

We spent the rest of the day at the beach, splashing, swimming, laughing and playing in the sand. Things are getting back to normal.

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