Chapter 7: Finding Out and Fighting

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Updating in the morning, like, Ou, I just woke up.

Leo's P.O.V.

I was ready to cry again by the time Adam set Bree down on the table in the lab. Big D has begun to hook up wires to Bree, along with an oxygen mask. All of a sudden, Bree gasps and shoots up.

"Dad?" She whispers, and Big D walks over to her and gently wraps his arms around her from the back.

"Right here." He says, lightly kissing the top of her head.

After a minute, Bree says, "I guess you want to know."

"What he did to you? Yea I do, because his bionics can't do that much damage to you." Big D replies, trying to keep himself calm for Bree's sake.

"Well, he... he ra... raped me." She says, barely above a whisper.

"Wait what?" We all shout and Adam grabs the collar of Chase's shirt and lifts him in the air.

"You did WHAT?" Adam screams as he throws Chase across the room.

"Stop Adam! It was Spike, not Chase!" I yell out before Adam attacks Chase again.

"My little sister! My little sister! Look what you did to her! You're evil!" Adam screams as he lets Big D and I push him into his capsule.

Chase's P.O.V.

Somewhere in my mind, I know he is right. I am evil. I am a monster. I should have controlled Spike, but I didn't, and now Bree is hurt.

"I'm sorry Daddy." Bree says when Mr. Davenport walks up next to her. The way she said it reminded me of one time...


"I bet ya can't!" I heard 5-year old Bree say as I climbed out of my capsule that morning.

"Can't do what?" I asked, Knowing that they were getting into trouble.

"I'm gonna bounce off this can, catch three power pellets in my mouth, bounce off the holotramp, and land on my feet." Adam said, standing on a five-foot metal canister with the lab logo on it.

"Don't you think that's a little dangerous?" I asked them, before going to jump on the holotramp.

"Yea... Duh." Bree said as Adam yelled, "Land ho!" And jumped.

All I heard was 'Om! Om! Om!' and Bree shouted, "No!" before I felt Adam crash into me. I could tell Adam was passed out on top of me and I knew I couldn't move him, so I just pretended to be passed out too. Then, I heard Daddy come down the elevator.

"What. Happened?" He said to Bree.

"We were just having fun. I'm sorry Daddy." Little Bree replied.

"It's alright baby. It's not your fault." Daddy said before coming to get Adam and I.

End of Flashback

And that's kind of what he said now.

"Don't apologize Bree. It's not your fault." He says, laying her back down on the table as she starts to pass out again.


Tasha's P.O.V.

I have just walked in the door when Donald grabs my arm and drags me into the lab elevator.

"Donald! What? No, Hi Tasha, how was your weekend in Sweden?" I ask him, with sarcasm in my voice.

"Hi Tasha! How was your weekend in Sweden? Did you catch a flu? Are you finally going to move out?" Eddy says, appearing on the screen.

"Shut up Eddy." Donald says before swiping him off, then says, "We have bigger problems."

"Like what?" I ask, following him into the lab. As we walk into the lab, I see Bree, "What happened Donald?"

He explains the whole story, and by the end I'm crying and he's violently shaking.

"So Spike is deactivated?" I question first, in between sobs.

"Yes. And I gave her a pregnancy test." Donald tells me.

And?..." I ask.

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