Chapter 7: For Those Training Others

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"Hello, my name's Johnny," he states, thrusting his hand out to shake mine.

"And I'm Elena. Nice to meet you," I say, looking at Kenneth through the corner of my eyes while trying to maintain a professional appearance in front of my boss.

"Okay, start showing him around for the next hour. Today's delivery is coming in a couple minutes. Use the restroom before they come because everything's going to be blocked in the back of the kitchen. We've got to restock everything, so stay in the front line while you train Johnny. Show him the front line and where to find back-up materials, Elena," Kenneth instructs me before disappearing behind the "staff only" door that led into the kitchen. "Oh, and wait until Sean comes at noon to start teaching him how to make the wraps. We'll need him in the front line to manage the cashier and supervise you guys before you start teaching Johnny the ropes, okay?"

I nod and turn towards Johnny. Now that Kenneth will be preoccupied for at least an hour restocking the delivery and dumping the cardboard boxes outside near the dumpsters, I know we can relax for a while until the afternoon rush starts during lunch hours. Already, I can feel my calves starting to ache, the pain gently increasing through the hour as I stand and show Johnny where everything was located.

"Here, we have the fridge where we basically keep all our frozen back-up materials defrosting until we need to cook it in the ovens. We have chicken and steak on this side and over there, we have the frozen falafels, cookies, etcetera."

"So when the front line is low, do you guys come back here and grab it from the fridge?" he wonders.

Shaking my head, I reply, "No. We have a supply of everything backed up for the day. We usually prep all those in the morning and keep them in the mini refrigerator stored under the counter. You just have to be careful because getting hit by the corners of the door leaves a lot of bruises on your thighs. I would know."

He laughs, "Of course. Thank you for the tip."

"Well hello there. Who's this?" Sean asks, looking at me even though the question was directed towards Johnny.

I glance at him questionably and ignore him.

"Elena? I asked you a question."

I continue ignoring him.

"Elena? Oh Elena... Elena.... Elena," he continues, reaching out and poking my arm with each word .

"Will you shut up? You're wearing out my name, Sean."

"No one can say your name enough times, Elena," he emphasizes the last word out of his mouth just as I elbow him in the ribs, making him rub his chest before giving me a grin.

"Hate to break you two up, but I'm Johnny to answer your question," he tells Sean, offering his hand for a handshake.

Sean ignores his handshake and instead gives him a nod before standing near the cashier spot. Taking Johnny's arm gently and leading him towards the veggie station, I motion to the counter displaying the freshly stocked veggies in front of me and offer him a spot next to me. He accepted and stepped closely next to me to survey what I will be doing.

"So basically, now you can just shadow me and then, I'll let you make some wraps for the customers... Or better yet, I can let you do the sample because it's good practice before the real thing. No one can get angry about the sample going wrong, right?" I say optimistically.

"Thanks, you're the best teacher ever," Johnny laughs. "Oh, here comes a customer walking this way."

"You want to ask if he wants a sample? I'm pretty sure Kenneth wouldn't want to pay for you just standing here and watching sweetheart here make wraps," Sean interrupts. "Although, it's fine if you watch me do some. I'm Wrap King."

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