Chapter 14: For Those Visiting Again

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"You can visit the same place over and over again and see it differently each time."

- Unknown

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I stand in the middle of a busy airport in Orlando. People are rushing about, trying to head to their next chapter of life and resuming their normal lives as I remain rooted to where I am standing.

Something inside my heart tugs as I think about Sean. My lips tilt upwards as I recall our silly banter at Wrap House. The only one who made me forget about my life back in New York City. The one who cheered me up and didn't fail to keep the smile from disappearing on my face each minute of the day.

A sudden ping interrupts me out of my thoughts. I shift onto my right foot as I reach for my phone nestled into my back pocket. I pull it out and read the notification spelling out the sender's name. My heart races a bit as I press on the notification, bringing me to the typical text messaging application on my phone.

'It was a real pleasure working with you, Elena. I really do mean what I said. I hope you will come visit in the future! Don't forget about your humble working roots and good luck in your future endeavors, Elena. - Kenneth'

I smile at the text message and hit the bar to type a reply to my ex-boss. As I hit the send button after typing out a brief thank you and that I will definitely visit if I could in the future, I felt my phone buzz.

A millisecond later, the pop-up notification appears.

-One new friend added you on Snapchat.-

Heart pounding for different reasons this time, I click at the notification once again. This time, it's a friend request from Sean. Before I can think it out, my finger trembles and presses on accept. Quickly, I feel my face heating up as I close the app and shove it into my pocket.

I took at the phone sitting in my front pocket now and smile a bit before walking towards the gate number 15.

"Now boarding all passengers heading to JFK Airport. Please make a single line and have your tickets ready to be checked. Thank you," a voice states calmly over the nearby speakers.

Breathing a sigh of relief and inhaling as much Floridian air as I could, I step foot into my place in the back of the line. I grip a tighter hold on my plane ticket and throw my backpack over my shoulder. As I move up the line, I throw a gentle smile to the plane attendants chatting together in the corner, waiting for their plane to arrive.

I admire their friendship, knowing that they would be together until the end of their time. Time for another adventure, but I'll be back!

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I push the heavy mall doors as strongly as I could. Immediately walking towards the familiar looking stall, I stand nervously in line for the server to ask me what I would like to eat today.

"Welcome to Wrap House. What would you like to start off with today?" he asks me, a slight smile peeping through his previously flat expression.

"The cheesiest wrap you have, kind sir."

And I guess you can say.... The rest is cheestory.

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Thank you so much for taking your time to read this book! A lot of it was based on my imagination... Some of it actually happened to me... Anyways, thank you for sticking with me through this journey! I love you all :)


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