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"Louis, no!" Zayn shouted at his mate as the shorter lad was pacing in front of him with his younger brother held tightly into his chest with his other hand holding the bottle to his small lips

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"Louis, no!" Zayn shouted at his mate as the shorter lad was pacing in front of him with his younger brother held tightly into his chest with his other hand holding the bottle to his small lips.

Ernest made soft sucking noises that distracted Louis from his eye roll he was about to give.

"Zayn, everyone has left him including me!" He retorted, looking up from the infant to gaze at the boy. "He needs someone. For all i know right now he could be beating himself up."

"Or he could be celebrating that you're gone."

Louis nodded his head and groaned at his friend. "He was angry that i was leaving! He didn't want me to go. I don't expect you to understand because you haven't fallen for someone like i have but-"

"Fallen for someone?" Zayn scoffed, tangling his hand into his dark hair that was slicked back by gel. "You knew this freak for only a week."

"Do not call him a freak." The blue eyed boy defended, glaring at him so hard that if looks could kill, he would be dead. "He is better than most of the people i know." He clenched his jaw as he stopped pacing and took a seat slowly onto the recliner across from the dark haired lad.

"I'm sorry." He apologized as he saw the tension in his face. "I just cant let you go there alone. If you go then i'm going too."

Louis nodded at the response, he couldn't make him do that. And he doesn't know how he would react to seeing Harry. He was afraid. And Zayn takes things way out of proportion.

"Listen, i really appreciate this but I can go on my own-"

"Louis, i will not leave you alone again." Zayn sternly said, standing up to tower over him and the baby. "I cant lose you again. Lou, i'll listen to you. Follow every rule you set just let me come with you." His harsh tone softened to a mutter before he said a soft goodbye to Ernie who was sucking rapidly at the bottle and walking out of the house.

Louis smiled at his friend. He had someone that cared about him that much to refuse to let him go alone. But that doesn't mean that he will easily let him go.

He has to talk to his mum.


"So you want to go back?" She asked with a hint of worry in her voice. She was sat in the seat he was previously in with her nurse uniform still on since he dragged her to sit as soon as she came home.

She was absolutely exhausted from the long shift she just had of running back and forth due to a rather large car accident but she always had time for her son.

"Mum, i know it sounds like a stupid idea but you know how i feel about him. And he is over there all alone. I just need to check on him." He pleaded, hovering over her so he could look her in the eyes.

"Louis, its the woods. Not just down the street." She reasoned, motioning her hand outward for emphasis. "Honey. I just want you to be safe. I cant lose my son."

"Zayn is coming with me." He added, "And we could go on the weekend so we wont miss school."

His heart was racing in his chest when he saw her eyebrows furrow in thought. She brought a hand to her messy ponytail of chestnut colored hair that matched her sons before looking up at him with her oceanic blues.

"Let me talk to Dan about it-"

"He isn't my father." He snapped, crossing his arms over his chest because it was the truth.

Dan was someone his mum recently married. Mark Tomlinson is his father and he would not stand by and call someone else his father when they obviously weren't. Him and Dan had nothing in common. The man keeps his distance from Louis because he's gay.

"Louis." She cracked, not actually knowing what to say to the boy without setting him off. After years of being the one he talks to about things in his life, she's learned that once he goes off he shuts himself out.

With a deep sigh and the shut of his eyes he apologized softly and stalked off to his room before he would do something that ruined his chances of going back.

He really needed to go back. He didn't know what Harry was doing or how he was.

He bit his lip as he laid back onto his bed, staring up at his ceiling that looked dark since there was no light.

He checked his phone to see the time which it was late at night, causing him to groan because he had school the next day.

His heart hurt at the thought of the curly haired boy. It was confusing Louis because the only time he felt this way was when he thought that he loved his first boyfriend, Nick. Who he had been with for over a year, but he doesn't love Harry. Someone who he met only two weeks ago.

Does he?

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