Twenty Four

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Louis sighed as he reached the bottom of the mountain that he was growing tired of climbing

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Louis sighed as he reached the bottom of the mountain that he was growing tired of climbing. He had left right after school like he had told his dark haired friend. But he had to admit that he waited a few minutes on the other side of the mountain to see if Zayn would join him which he did not.

So with a frown on his face, he walked through the empty and almost mysterious woods while he waited for someone in the damn magical town to approach him so he could find Harry's house since he had placed a few landmarks to remember where it was.

"Hello?" He called out, grabbing onto the straps of his backpack which held all of his belongings such as clothes and necessities. "Anyone in the creepy village full of monsters around?" He dared to blurt out, turning in a circle as if someone were right behind him.

His back was towards the woods as he gazed up at the mountain in front of him. It didn't seem as large after numerous times of scaling it up and down.

The woods were silent which bothered him. He was used to the noise of cars honking and zooming by his house. Not the wind pushing wayward leaves on the forrest ground.

It was strange almost.

No matter the season or the weather, it was still dreary on this side of the mountain. Almost like it couldn't be any other way.

"Oh," he gasped as he felt something bump into his back, causing him to turn on his heel only for his breath to hitch at the sight of a person standing just inches away from him.

But it wasn't someone that he knew.

They looked like one of the creatures on the shows Zayn watches. Where his skin was pale along with his eyes while his clothes were torn to shreds as if he was attacked and his mouth and hands were covered with dried blood.

He looked like a zombie. Which only made Louis more worried because Zombies eat people. Last he checked... he is a person.

"Oh god." He breathed, backing away desperately to get away only to scream when the zombie had reached out towards him, making him break out into a sprint in any direction that was possible.

He ran until his heart was beating in his ears and his throat was extremely sore. He had to dig deep for the energy to just keep going as he heard the leaves crunch underneath his feet. He rapidly looked over his shoulder to see that the coast was clear, slowing down until he was leaning against a tree in fatigue as his chest rose and fell.

He wished to never see a zombie again.

They look cool in the movies but not five inches from your face.

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