Twenty Two

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I have seriously been lacking, my apologies guys

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I have seriously been lacking, my apologies guys. I honestly thought not a lot of people liked this story but here are some chaps.


Louis was going crazy without Harry.

He couldn't sleep. He kept checking throughout the night if Harry was beside him only to see there was just pillows. He couldn't eat without wondering if Harry was eating. He couldn't even brush his damn hair without thinking about his curls and how they were tangled in his fingers as they cuddled.

He felt like a complete dick. He was. He shouldn't have said those things to Harry. He should have snapped at Zayn for saying those things because he knew that it was a sensitive topic to Harry.

He honestly thought it was cool how Harry had died and came back to life. And he absolutely loved Harry's stitches because it made him different.

"When do you think he'll come back?" Zayn questioned as he watched his best mate look at his computer screen that had a picture of Harry when he was sixteen. He was studying the photo like it was art.

He wanted to see the dimpled smile on his young face. The photo was in black and white but Louis could still see the emerald green in his eyes and the color of his ivory skin along with his dark chocolate locks.

"He said to give him time." Louis softly said, not taking his eyes away from the screen. He missed Harry so much but looking at the picture made him angry. Angry at his mother.

She looked absolutely innocent yet she had to abuse him and hack him to pieces. It takes a lot to just cut someone to pieces. Especially if it was your own son.

"I'm worried for him over there." Louis stated as he stared at the picture, not paying mind to his dark haired friend who was looking up at his ceiling. "Theres an asshole named Donovan over there and he hurts him. Harry can be such a push over-"

"Can we talk about something else?"

The question made the smaller boy turn his desk chair and make eye contact. His tone was cold and insulted as he looked at his mate.

"All you ever do is talk about him. Its like we don't even matter anymore." He admitted, returning to looking up so he didn't have to see the disappointed look on his friends face.

"We are the ones that drove him to go back. Honestly, if you cant handle me talking about someone that i'm interested in then you can go."

Zayn gasped as he looked at Louis who now had his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't want this to happen. He just wanted Louis to show him some actual interest since it seemed that all he was fixated on was Harry.

"Go!" Louis screamed, making him flinch as he sat up and slid off the bed before leaving the room without a second glance.

Once Louis heard the front door close, he rolled his eyes and went back to gawking at his computer screen, his heart racing as he looked at the boy he loved.

"I hope he's okay." He whispered to himself before he was shaking his head and closing the lid of his laptop.


"Where's Liam?" Harry asked Niall as he rested on his couch. The brunette was laid out while the blonde was sitting in the recliner while drinking from his cup. Of course, Harry didn't want to know what was inside.

"He's-" Niall paused, taking a big swig from his drink which left a red tint on his bottom lip. His ocean blues scanned the room to avoid the curious brunette as he waited for an answer. "Sick. Yeah, he's sick."

The blonde knew that Harry wasn't going to catch on which was confirmed when he nodded and turned his attention towards the fireplace. "Why don't we go see him?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"We cant." Niall quickly responded, his fangs digging into his bottom lip in an attempt to bite his tongue from saying anything else.


"Harry, why don't you just relax, alright?" The vampire snapped, standing from his seat abruptly before leaving the room to take his cup into the kitchen. His fangs sunk into his bottom lip as he placed the cups into the sink, resting his elbows against the counter as he tiredly wiped at his face.

"Niall..." Harry's deep voice hummed as he stood behind his friend. He's been gone for a period of time but he still knew when something was wrong. "Please tell me what's wrong."

"N-Nothing." He stuttered, turning on his heel with his back resting against the counter as he made eye contact with his shining forrest greens. The puncture marks on his neck were still visible but he still managed to look beautiful.

"Please." He begged, furrowing his eyebrows because he began to grow worried. What if he wasn't telling him because he had put all of his attention on Louis? What if he was no longer a part of their small group?

"Harry, I cant." He breathed, running a hand through his blonde locks because he didn't know how to word it. All he knew was that he couldn't let the curly haired man see Liam for a good while.

"Is this because I left with Louis?"

Niall furrowed his eyebrows at that, crossing his arms over his chest. "What? No, of course not. It's something else." He replied, wishing he could just zoom out of the house instead of having to talk about their friend.

"What something else?" He asked desperately, taking a step forward to hover over him because his point wasn't being made. He had to know what happened while he was gone. He needed to see Liam."Niall, please tell me."

"I-I-I cant." He stammered to say, turning his back towards the brunette because he could feel his eyes watering and he didn't want Harry to see him.


"You cant see him alright! That's it!" He bellowed, turning to face with angry blue eyes that glowed along with his fangs that had forced their way into his mouth.

"Why!" Harry shouted, not letting up because one thing he learned while being with Louis was to not give up. He couldn't go back to living in fear and never questioning anything.

"Because Donovan fucked him up!" The blonde screamed, his voice echoing in the house as a look of realization set onto the monster's face. "They got into a fight and Donovan beat the living shit out of Liam. He has broken bones and a bruised face. His father is refusing to work on Liam so now he has to stay like that for who knows how long! And the full moon is coming which means that he will be in complete pain and he will be absolutely alone and-"

"Take me to him." Harry growled, stopping his rant because he couldn't stand to hear anymore about his friend. He had to see him.

Niall nodded his head in disapproval, "Harry, I don't think seeing him is the best thing for yo-" he started but stopped when the taller man took another step towards him until their chests were flush against each other.

"I said take me to him, Niall." He seethed, grabbing onto his hand as he lead the two towards the front door. "Now." He stated, only to see the blonde groan in response but still grab his keys and lock the front door behind them before leading the way.

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