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There was one week left of school and Louis was absolutely pissed

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There was one week left of school and Louis was absolutely pissed. All of the finals and tests he's taking seem to be piling up on him and all the studying has to do has began to interrupt his time with Harry.

The curly haired boy has been spending his time with Lottie while Louis studies, practicing with her makeup and hair. His hair reached the length where it could be in a man bun. He's learned how to do a french braid on Lottie's blonde hair and is now learning how to pluck his eyebrows which is absolutely painful.

"Why would anyone do this?" He groaned, rubbing at his burning eyebrows. He made sure to follow along with her and only do the edges so he could have them 'on fleek' as she says but it was too painful for him.

"To look cute." She noted, puckering her lips to give her reflection a kiss because she thought she looked adorable. "You look way better like that." She poked his dimple that popped out with his smile, causing him to giggle.

"Lottie?" He softly said after a moment of silence, turning towards the girl. He didn't know how to say what he wanted to say and it made him nervous when she turned towards him with a curious look.


"I-I need some advice."

"Okay." She grinned. she loved helping other people.

"W-Well Louis has been really stressed lately and I want to help him out." Harry vaguely said, hoping she would take a hint but he groaned when a look of confusion flashed on her face. "Maybe help him lessen some of that stress. Please tell me you know what i'm saying."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she slowly nodded her head before breathing, "You want to have sex with my brother?"

"I just want to know if I should." He sighed, he felt weird as it was telling her but he needed someone to talk to and he counted her as a sister.

"I mean. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you're too young and all that, but just be safe."

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" He nervously asked, biting softly at his bottom lip as he thought about it. He's known him for two months but he already feels like he is in love with him.

"Its your relationship." She shrugged, turning in her seat to look at her reflection. "Just make sure the house is clear which is not an easy thing to do."

Harry nodded and thought of ways to tell Louis how he wanted to have sex. He knew he was the type to both bottom and top since he wasn't exactly a virgin but he didn't know how Louis liked it.

Maybe I should wait for him to come up to me, he contemplated. His fingers ran through his hair repeatedly while he thought. He jumped at the sound of the door opening and Louis shouting out profanities in a playful manner towards Zayn who was following him inside.

"Ew." Lottie groaned when when heard Zayn, going to her door to lock it incase the two just barged in. Lottie is annoyed by everything Zayn does while Zayn thinks Lottie is a bitch.

"Whats wrong?" Harry asked, paying attention to the banter between the two loud boys downstairs. They were shouting and laughing which brought a smile to his face.

The pounding of their feet boomed in the house as they charged down the hall, their laughs echoing off the walls.

She tilted her chin and took a deep breath, sighing at the smell of marijuana. "They're high." She breathed, "Louis can be a real dick when he's high." She rolled her eyes at the memories of all the fights she's had with him while he was under the drug.

"Maybe he wont be to me." Harry shrugged, unlocking the door and making his way towards the noise to find the two giggling in his room. He lightly knocked on the door, watching as the two jumped and faced towards him.

"There you are!" Louis bellowed, throwing his arms around Harry's broad shoulders before cupping his jaw to plant a sloppy kiss on his heart shaped lips.

The green eyed boy scrunched his nose at the heavy smell on his clothes, his hands going to wrap loosely around his waist. His green orbs went to Zayn who was cooing at the couple.

"Aw you guys kiss!" He awed, "Thats adorable! Oh my god. Lou, if you think about it you're basically kissing a dead person." His golden orbs squinted as a laugh fell from his lips causing the smaller boy to burst out in chuckles.

Louis pulled away from Harry to look at the stitches on his neck. "Those must have hurt, like, so much. I could not handle having to walk around with those." He bluntly said, his fingers tracing over the cool threads.

He's just high, Harry told himself so he wouldn't feel the anger and hurt boiling in him. He doesn't mean it.

"Aw man, it must have been sick to sew body parts together." Louis huffed as he plopped down onto his bed, scanning the curly haired boy from head to toe.

Harry's hands that were pressed tightly on his thighs were now turning into tight fists. "I think i'll just come back when you're better." He mumbled, letting out a deep breath when Louis called out for him to wait. "I want to see you."

"Well then you can see my arse as i'm walking out of the door." His deep voice snapped, leaving the two with a slam of the door.

His hands went to tangle in his hair as his chest heaved, he hurried down the stairs to slip on his shoes that were waiting at the door before opening the front door and storming out. He knew it was bright out and that people could see him bit he couldn't care less.

He needed to be with people that made him feel comfortable. He needed to be back home.

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