Twenty One

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Harry knew it was dramatic to just leave after his encounter with Louis but he just needed to get fresh air and he has been feeling a bit home-sick the past few days

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Harry knew it was dramatic to just leave after his encounter with Louis but he just needed to get fresh air and he has been feeling a bit home-sick the past few days. He wanted to feel normal.

That's what he loved about the other side of the mountain. That he could walk around and no one would stare at him and no one commented on his past. He felt comfortable walking amongst those people.

He absolutely didn't feel comfortable at the moment. Tears were running down his cheeks, his legs burned from not having to walk as much, and the people. The people watched him as he passed them with shocked looks on their faces as if he wasn't real.

He kept his head high anyways, not giving them a look in their eyes but after a few moments he just snapped.

"What are you looking at?!" He screamed, shouting at the group of men in front of him that looked at him in awe. His eyes were wild and his jaw was clenched tight as his chest heaved. No matter how angry he was, the tears just continued to fall down his ivory cheeks causing the anger in him to boil. "Fucking look away!"

With a huff he stormed down the sidewalk, his shoulders tense as he groveled at the ground. "Fucking normal people." He seethed, continuing on until he could see the beginning of the woods that no matter how bright it was outside still appeared dark.

The ground that was cement turned into the dirt, the sound of leaves crinkling under his feet was the only sound he could hear. The birds flew silently and the trees swayed with the light amount of wind that blew his hair from behind his ears to cover his face.

Harry paused to look at the mountain that stood tall out of the woods. I'm not climbing that, he thought, looking in the part of the woods that were filled with Vampires. He wasn't joking when he told the boys that that part was filled with creatures that drank blood.

"I can handle that." He mumbled to himself, wiping at his eyes before turning on his heel towards the dangerous pathway.

His eyes were alert as he walked, the deeper he went the darker it got until he had to stop for a moment because he couldn't breathe.

His mind kept repeating what Louis said. It hurt him the most that Louis said those things because he felt like he loved him. He absolutely did. He didn't mind waking up to him and having to deal with the grumpy side of him since he wasn't a morning person. Or the times when he would study for hours because he wanted to get good grades on his tests instead of slacking off and watching tv with his sisters.

He flinched at the sound of twigs snapping, looking around quickly to see the faint gleams of bright red eyes watching him. They were everywhere. Harry's blood ran cold as he saw each and every pair of eyes following him.

"M-My blood isn't good." He called out, turning around rapidly when he heard foot steps coming from behind him. When he saw nothing, he turned back around only to bump into someone's chest.

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