Twenty Nine

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Harry's mixed eyes gazed up towards the ceiling as he laid on his back in bed with Louis by his side

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Harry's mixed eyes gazed up towards the ceiling as he laid on his back in bed with Louis by his side. It was the morning of the day they were leaving, and he was suddenly feeling nostalgic since he knew that may be the last time he comes to his previous home.

As he stared at the ceiling, he remembered how life was in the home. With his sister and parents.

Things were so different before they got bad. It wasn't the worst thing in the world to be home when it wasn't just him.

He appreciated that Louis welcomed him back into his home so quickly. The smaller boy understanding that he needs to get out of this area. Out of his negative mindset that started with this home.

His gaze flickered to Louis who was turned on his side with his back facing the taller male, his chestnut hair a tangled mess on the pillow.

Harry's hand went to rub soothing circles on his back, smiling softly when he stirred before turning to face him. His eyelashes fluttered and then opened to reveal his mixed eyes, sending chills down the brunette's spine.

"Hello." The curly haired man's groggy morning voice greeted, his fingers removing strands of hair from his fringe that were directly going onto his eyes.

"Hi." Louis whispered, letting out a small yawn as he gazed towards the window to see it was bright outside from the sun.

"You ready to go home?"

The smaller man nodded his head rapidly as his heavy eyelid shut. He cuddled into his pillow as another yawn ripped past his lips. "Are you ready to leave yours?" He questioned, peeking an eye open as he waited for a response.

Harry bit his lip as he contemplated his answer. "Yeah, I think I am." He mumbled, looking upwards once again as his words settled in his mind.

He was ready to start a new life and be apart of something different than he was used to.

He needed to be around more people and participate in things so that he could be apart of society again.

"Good." Louis hummed, a smile spreading on his face as he stretched his arms and legs with a huff before rolling out of bed.

He was dressed in one of Harry's shirts and a pair of briefs, making him look smaller than he actually is since he shirt went down to his mid-thighs.

"I'm ready to leave this halloween town and get back home." He added, padding towards the door and exiting the room since he had to go to the bathroom.

Harry chuckled at his comment, pulling himself out of bed to begin collecting his things and cleaning before they head out.

Fortunately he didn't carry much.

He grabbed his backpack from the closet and packed his clothing and anything he saw that he felt he needed or didn't want to leave behind. It didn't take long for Louis to return and change into the night before's clothing.

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