Part 13

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Menhaus settled into his lounge chair in front of the tv. Three times. He had jerked off three times, and it was as soon as he got home. He felt a little guilty and a little ashamed of himself. But he just couldn't get Tina's body out of his head; her smell and the feeling of what they had done. If he wasn't physically in pain this thought would probably drive him to do it again, like it had the last two times. The first time was just because the erection she had left him with had lasted the entire fifteen minute drive home and he was worried about it being priapic for the rest of the afternoon.

He sighed, it was time to ring Peter at the hospital anyway. He looked up the number for the hospital on his laptop, bringing it over from the kitchen counter and plugging it in at the power point near his set of lounge tables that he had gotten as a gift from his grandmother. Not that he ever used them but one of them was just the right height for his laptop. So, he supposed he used one of them. He found the number and dialled. Eventually someone picked up and he asked where his friend Peter Tenagris was currently being held. He was told a ward and a floor number, which he promptly forgot and then was told he would be put through. He made a mental note to have a pen handy next time he rang. Or just to ask Tina who would likely be much more organised than him and actually remember it or write it down. At the thought of Tina his penis throbbed and then a sharp pain hit it. Menhaus winced.

"Hey there, Menhaus?" It was Peter. He sounded pretty good, though slightly out of it.

"Hey Peter! How are you feeling? They have you on painkillers?"

"Yeah..yeah... they do. I'm not too bad, though when the painkillers wear off it hurts when I breathe. They say I only just missed out on having a punctured lung, how about that? I just missed out on a whole range of stuff so looks like I'm not dead yet. I'm pretty relieved to be honest!"

"I can't say I'm surprised" Menhaus said, a smile creeping across his face

"Hey Tina rang up before, she seemed surprised you hadn't already rang up" Peter continued, still sounding like he was talking from a dream colony in the clouds, "I explained that you had moved down to b-grade friend status and she was now my bestie" at his own use of the word "Bestie" , Peter began to giggle. It was in short bursts and ended with a painful sounding hacking cough that Peter seemed to be trying his best to stop dead in its track. "Haha cacakhask argh oh man that sucked. ow."

"Is everything ok?"

"Yeah i can't laugh unfortunately. Feels like a knife digging into my lungs. Not too dangerous apparently but if i don't watch it I can still do, you know, something something."

"yeah I understand"

"so, you stayed over tina's last night, huh? She said you kept her company."

"Um yeah" he wondered whether to tell him. Maybe once he was off the drugs, "We were both worried about you, it was a shock to see you get hit by that car all of a sudden!"

"Noone was more shocked than me, buddy."

"Oh.. right. yeah, sorry"

"No, no, don't worry about it. I was kidding. You'd know normally because I'd be laughing my stupid goofy laugh but right now that laugh causes me a lot of pain, so you know..."

"Yeah I know. How annoying! How long do you have to stay there recovering?"

"About another week apparently. They want to make sure I don't start coughing up blood or anything. You know, the usual stuff."

"Jesus Christ"

"Hey don't worry man. It'll be cool. Hey you're still avoiding my question..."


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