Chapter 2

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Andrew woke up feeling sleepy; he didn’t get much sleep since he was on the phone listening to his soon to be ex-wife.

She cried and cried, while she explained why she cheated on him. As if any explanation justified cheating.

He gets up to only find Evan, ‘’where’s Drew?’’ He asks rubbing his sleepy eyes with his hands.

‘’He had morning classes so he had to leave early, I don’t have any til noon.’’ Evan answers in a monotone voice. Andrew frowns as he sees the always happy boy in a depressed mood.

‘’Evan, is everything alright?’’ He questions and the boy startles.

‘’Yeah, just some things I have going on no big deal.’’ Andrew smelled a lied from a mile away, he learn how to tell when Drew was lying when his son was younger, so he knew Evan was lying.

‘’Anything I can help with?’’ He tilts his head to the side as he studies Evan closer, the blue eyes were missing that happy glint he had before, the smile was a robotic one and not the genuine one he always had, his hair seemed out of place as if he tossed and turn restless in his bed, after all Andrew should know that since he was doing the same thing last night after the phone call with his cheating ex.

With a decision on helping Evan, he smiles and sets his hand on Evan’s shoulder and gave him a gentle squeezed.

‘’You said you don’t have classes until noon, so how about you help me look for an apartment.’’ Evan opens his mouth to declined but felt like an ass, so instead he smiles even though he wasn’t feeling like it.

‘’Sure sir, let me just take a quick shower and I’ll go.’’ Andrew happily nods and goes to Drew’s bathroom to take a quick shower himself, his job gave him a few days to get settle before he went in.

Evan thought about it, maybe helping his best friend’s dad look for a place could be a good thing, he need it to keep his mind occupied to forget about the jerk that broke his heart.

He should’ve known better, dating a closeted man was a disaster waiting to happen, his ex-boyfriend wanted to marry a girl, have kids and graduate from college, all they did is have sex indoors. They never went out in public and if they saw each other out the bastard would ignore Evan.

His eyes started to watered a little but he shook his head shoving them away, the asshole wasn’t worth his tears, if he wanted to get married to the girl he started seeing then he can but Evan wasn’t staying in the background as the dirty little secret.

He shut off the shower and dried off; once he was dressed he went out to find Andrew, wearing a white shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots.

He studied Andrew, the man could pass as Drew’s older brother, he didn’t look old enough to be a father, hell what the fuck was wrong with Drew’s mom sleeping with Evan’s dad.

In Evan’s eyes Andrew was way better looking than his dad and ewe thinking about his dad wetting his brush was disturbing.

They went to hail a cab and got in.

At first it was a bit awkward being out there alone but Andrew wanted Evan to trust him, he wanted to help the boy, well the man since Evan did grew up.

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