Chapter 6

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Andrew was slowly sipping on his champagne glass as he looks around the small party with people who he works with, he was bored out of his mind but didn’t want to be rude and leave early. He had a tiring day with his son and Evan, from trying not to look at the sweet and cute boy to being scared of his son’s creepy smile.

And on top of everything, every apartment they saw, Drew would say no to, he had come out with different reasons, some of them were ridiculous, like what if you want a dog? Or the stairs are too dangerous. And his best one, dad you don’t have a back yard, where would my kids play when they come visit you?

Him and Evan eyed Drew and gaped at him, Drew was acting weirder than he usually do and they were worry, Evan had actually ask Andrew, ‘’did you drop him on the head way too many times?’’ Andrew snorted and said ‘’as if the boy needed to be drop on his head, to act like a lunatic.’’ They both laugh and just stared at the crazy man arguing with the landlord about something totally not related to the apartment.

Yup his day was stressful and somehow Andrew knew he had more fun with them then he was having here with all the stuffy people he worked with.

‘’Andrew my man, how’s everything working out for you?’’ Andrew’s boss snaps him out of his memories; he pasted a fake smile and looks around to think about a response.

‘’Everything is going good at work, I’m still looking for a place for me to live in, can’t stay with college boys forever.’’ He grinned, but inside there was a small feeling of disappointment at leaving the boys, leaving Evan.

‘’Yeah, it must suck living with your son and his roommate.’’ Andrew nods at the man not really wanting to say more, it did suck especially if he continues with the wet dreams he was having every night about Evan.

‘’I want to let you know Andrew, Sandy from Human resources is interested in having dinner with you, now I don’t always condone in office romance but she’s a nice woman and you’re a nice divorce man, so I said what the hell.’’ Andrew stared wide eyed at the man, was he really telling him to go date the woman in human resources? He wasn’t interested, she was beautiful with her long strawberry blond hair, her long legs, and hazel eyes, but she wasn’t, it wasn’t her he wanted shit! She is not Evan!

‘’Sorry, but I’m going to have to go with no, I’m in the middle of divorce is not determined yet and have you ever heard that saying? I don’t shit where I eat.’’ Andrew gave the man a smile hoping he didn’t offend his boss.

A bark of laughter sounded throughout the room, and Andrew let out a breath of relief.

‘’Ain’t that right, no worries Andrew I just figured I let you know.’’ His boss said still chuckling.

Andrew looks at his watch and is happy that he can go now, without offending anybody, he was there for almost two hours, it was almost eleven o’clock at night, and he could go home and sleep. Home, I’m already thinking it’s my home, and it isn’t, it’s the boys’ home.

He set the glass down and went to fetch his coat, he puts it on and spots the girl he just heard about, the human resources woman she was making her way over to him, he hurried and step out of the place and hail a cab he sighs and shuts his eyes once inside the cab, relief flooded inside of him, he was relieved that he avoided the woman, But what am I going to do on Monday?


He got to the apartment and was surprised to hear noise, there was music, laughing and talking.

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