Chapter 4

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Evan was watching his show on TV; he wasn’t concentrating on bridezilla’s show. He kept staring at Andrew’s bedroom door. The man has been in there all morning, after he came home from his meeting with David, he got home to eat with Drew and his father. But Andrew was acting odd towards Evan during the meal. Evan wondered why, after Drew asked him about his meeting with David, Andrew had excuse himself and went to bed.

Evan had told Drew how he had turned David down and walked away from the man, Drew was proud of him, and to be honest Evan was proud of himself as well. He felt like a big heavy piece of shit had been lifted off his shoulders and now he could walk lightly. He was still depressed with being single but he’ll get a boyfriend soon. Well he hoped so.

He heard a noise and turns to see Andrew coming out of his room, he seemed tired and sad, and Evan frowns at that, could it be that Andrew was just now realizing that he was getting a divorced? Did it just hit him that his wife slept with his so called best friend?

‘’Andrew, are you ok?’’ He questions quietly and Andrew tenses slightly but still tries to fake a smile.

‘’Yeah, Evan I’m fine I’m just coming down with something.’’ He murmurs avoiding eye contact with Evan.

Lies, lies, and more lies Evan thought.

‘’How about I make you some soup, maybe you’re getting the flu.’’ Evan offers, even though he knew the older man was lying but he wasn’t going to call him on that.

‘’No, It’s ok Evan, I’ll be fine but thanks for the offer.’’ Andrew smiles and Evan so how there was pain shown on the older man’s face.

‘’You know, its ok to be sad for what happened to you, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about that.’’ Evan points out with a soft caring voice.

‘’I’m ok about the divorce Evan, I’m just going through some things, well more like confuse.’’ Andrew replies rubbing his face up and down with his hand.

‘’Oh, is it any thing I can help you with?’’ Andrew stops rubbing and widens his eyes at the younger man.

Andrew was speechless, all this time he had been avoiding Evan for the simple reason that he was the one that was making Andrew confuse. All this nights, he had done nothing but dreamed about the young man, in his dream he kissed, cuddle and had amazing sex with Evan and when he wakes up a rush of guilty feelings come knocking on his door.

He needed it to move out of here and soon, he couldn’t betray his son like this.

‘’No, Evan it’s about work but don’t worry I’ll figure it out, thanks for the offer.’’ He grumbles walking into the kitchen.

Evan stayed quiet, it seemed like more than just work to him but if Andrew didn’t want to share and get help than he wasn’t going to push him.

Evan felt a pang of disappointment in his chest; he really wanted to help Andrew.

He knew he had a crush on the older man, but it would pass he knew that. He couldn’t pursue this crush seeing as Drew his best friend wouldn’t like it much. Evan didn’t want to risk losing his best friend just because of his hormones.

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