Chapter 13

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Drew groaned, head aching and mouth tasting like something crawl up in there and died.

He slowly pulled himself from his bed, wavering unsteadily on his feet, before his balance came back to him. Scratching the sleep off his eyes, he dragged his body to his bathroom, making his morning ritual. He stared at his reflection on the mirror with bleary blood shot dull eyes.

He didn't sleep well the previous night, actually he hadn't had a good night's sleep for quite some time now, ok, ok since no one was in his head he can admit the truth, he hasn't had a good night's sleep since David moved in, there he said and even though it wasn't out loud it still count.

Drew rubbed a hand over his cheeks to check, if he needed a shave. Feeling no scruff he continued to get ready.

He finish his shower quickly and wraps a towel around his waist, he wonders if David is even awake yet, but he right away scowled himself for worrying about the man, who complicated his life.

After getting dressed in his room he went and retrieved his messenger bag and keys, unlike Evan and David he didn't have a plan, or internships, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do, he hadn't chosen a major yet, he knew he had to since he'll be in his second year of college but he still didn't have a clue at what he wanted to be.

He didn't see David anywhere in the apartment, disappointment flow through his whole body but shook his head no a couple of times to clear his head.

He had a job working as veterinary's assistant, and his shift started in fifteen minutes.


David went out to grab the ingredients to make enchiladas for dinner, white wine and yellow roses.

He had already downloaded some music that Evan told him Drew was into, he was going to make this a night Drew wouldn't forget, he just hopes it didn't backfire in some way.

Once he bought everything he needed, he went home to start to make everything, and he felt giddy at doing this. He knew he had come a long way from the jack ass that he was before, never too late to change.

Drew was helping the vet put a cone around a dog's head when his phone chirps; he let it go to voice mail, making a note in his head to check who it was and return the call if he likes the person.

30 Minutes later he check his missed call and sees Evan's name on it, he cringed knowing that his best friend would be throwing a queen bitch fit.

He press sends on his phone almost wishing Evan wouldn't answer, but he heard the screeching noise on the other line he knew luck wasn't on his side.

''You send me to voice mail, what did I tell you about that shit!'' Drew took the phone away from his ear; he didn't want to lose his hearing at a young age.

''I was busy with a dog, sorry Evan.'' He manages to speak in between the shouting.

''Please tell me that when you're saying dealing with a dog you're not actually referring to David.'' Evan deadpanned.

''No I don't, I actually mean a real dog, don't you remember? I told you I was going to be working as a vet's assistant during the summer.'' Drew reminds his best friend.

''Oh, yeah, how's that going for you?'' Evan asks it still surprised Drew how his best friend could be so bipolar sometimes, shouting from one minute to being happy the next.

He decided not to push it, so he smiles, ''is doing well, how about you and dad? Are you guys ok now?'' He has been expecting a call from them, to let him know what had happened.

''We're ok, we're back together and well we told each other the 'I love yous' so I think we're serious., oh and he should be going back there the day after tomorrow.'' Evan said and Drew could hear the happiness in his best friend's words follow by a bit of sadness since his dad would have to come back to New York and leave Evan over in Los Angeles.

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